chapter 1

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I'm sitting at the back of the class as I struggle to understand the maths of the introductory statistics class. After some failed attempt to try to learn the maths that this professor is showing I'm slightly distracted by the thoughts of earlier in the morning when dad called. As always at first he asked some random questions like how I'm doing at my sophomore year of the college and I answered annoyingly as usual. My dad's got enough fortune to get me a decent graduation from a renowned university like California state University Northridge.  We have a  family business. So I decided to give it a try and it was also a escape plan from that place that my dad calls home. And specifically I  chose this college because my only best friend Susanne also was selected from here.
As the campus is quite far from my "home" I knew I could make excuses to move to the dorms and I did. It was kind of against dad's will so he was asking me to move in with them again  as Always. I somehow convince him that it's not possible until I graduate and cut off the line. Even thinking of moving out to that place suffocates me.
Suddenly I'm back in reality as I hear someone shouting my name ' miss Parker, .. Miss Olivia Parker.. ' . Shit. It's the professor asking me about the lectures he was giving. I stand up and only able to say " I'm sorry. I didn't get it." Then the professor harshly remarks my grade point of the last semester, " 1.3".. " Do you really think if you continue these behaviors in class your grades will improve? "
I don't say anything and act as if I didn't even hear what he said. Then he dismisses the class.
I'm relived that the class is over.
I put my stuff in the backpack and head out of the class hastily. I've to grab my lunch and meet Susanne at the Arbor grill and I'm super hungry.
I was almost running through the corridor when I hear  someone calling out name. I turn around to see a literally running boy towards me . When he's in front of me his gasping for air . He's wearing a black polo t-shirt and what seems abnormally normal blue jeans to me. His black hair is totally a mess at the front of his head.
"Hi. I'm Archie William. I was in the math class with you. You're Olivia Parker? Bill Parker's daughter? "

" Ah.. Yea.. How do you know my dad?"

" Well, he's like a distant relative of my mother. We've met at a family function 2 years ago. You were there too. "

" Oh? Sorry I can't really remember.."

" I know.. I mean I understand that totally. We've met only once. And you seemed very drunk afterwards."

I remember another nightmare of my life. And I guess that he must've come to  tell what a mess I made that night.

" Yeah ..yeah.. I made a huge scene at some family function that year. I know."

" Yea.. Kind of. But sometimes it's good to let things go and do whatever we truly want. "

I'm surprissed at what he's saying and my facial expression also showing that. He's saying that it was good what I did? He's the only person that ever said that. My life got alot more worse that day.

" Grr.. Thanks "

" There's no need to thank me. By the way I've noticed you when the professor was calling out your name.
And also noticed that you're maybe in trouble with the maths classes. You can take a look at my notes if you don't mind obviously.."

If he offered his notes before I would probably throw that to his face.. But I think he genuinely  wants to help me specially after what he said about that night. So I think I shouldn't  refuse him. Besides I'm really in need of help with this class.

" Ohh.. Okay I'll give it a try.. Thanks again for helping me.. Do you wanna come to the grill? I'm really in need of a proper lunch ... "

" Sure.. Why not? "

I give him a smile and we start to walk towards the grill.

( this is my first time writing in wattpad. Pardon any grammatical  errors. 😊 And let me know what you think . * happy reading* )

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