Kitten got claws and puppy eyes

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Marion Above~

Lyra groaned softly at the pounding in her head. She opened her eyes only to close them again at the sudden brightness. She grimaced at the soreness in her body. Blinking a few times, she forced her eyes to adjust to the room she was in.

She noticed that she was in a rather uncomfortable situation with her hands tied behind her back and her feet tied together. She immediately went rigid as her eyes landed on the bright red-head. Marion was gagged and in the same condition as her. She was no doubt still knocked out.

She rolled over on the soft mattress and tried to sit on her legs. The rope dug in her soft flesh when she attempted to slip out of the hold. It was too tight and she had no doubts that it will leave marks on her skin. She sighed and ran her slender fingers on the knot, trying to identify the type of knot tied.

Lyra smiled as she found that it was a Noose knot. It was tricky to loosen but she eventually managed to undo it. She brought her hands forward and massaged her wrists. It didn't take long before she was completely free of the bindings that restained her. After stretching her body, she silently made her way to the unconscious girl.

"Marion," Lyra whispered, gently shaking the girl. "Wake up."

"Five more minutes," Marion mumbled before shifting away from her. Lyra just stared at her in disbelief.

A frown made its way on the red-head face. Her eyelids slowly opened, the green eyes blinked before widening in shock. She opened her mouth but Lyra lunged to place a hand on it, successfully shutting her.

"Shh! We don't want to alert others!" Lyra whispered, scowling.

The redhead glared at her friend before licking her hand. Lyra immediately withdrew her hand with a disgusted expression. She wiped it on her jeans before glaring at the snickering Marion. Marion started struggling with her bounds, failing to make any progress.

"Stop it, you will hurt yourself. Roll over now," The taller girl ordered softly to which Marion compiled.

Lyra began loosening the ropes, working skillfully and quickly. Marion glanced at her surrounding before she waited for Lyra to finish. They were in some kind of Japanese style guest room. In her opinion, It was still a lot better than a prison cell.

"That blue-haired bastard freaking knocked me out!" Marion whispered-yelled. "So Rude,"

Lyra chuckled as she added darkly, "Expect worse treatment, We are prisoners here after all."

The reply silenced the smaller girl as she examined her friend.

"I thought that the whole eyes, throat, and groin thing was something you made up. I didn't expect it to work." Marion looked in awe, "And you have dried blood on your shirt." She added softly.

Lyra hadn't noticed before but now her best white t-shirt was indeed covered with blood splashes. These stains weren't going to come off easily.

Before Lyra could further express her remorse for her clothing, Her ears picked up sounds of footsteps against the wooden floorboards. She signaled the other girl to stay quiet as she silently made her way to the door. She dropped low to a fighting stance as the door opened to reveal a kind-looking man.

She narrowed her eyes taking in his appearance. He was shorter than the girl and could be in his late 30's or early 40's. He yelped as he jumped back from surprise. It was obvious that he had expected them still tied up. His hands grabbed the hilt of his weapon but didn't draw it. He looked between the two girls, gulping hard.

Lyra had been told that her glare was terrifying. Her brother had once joked that even his friends, who were combat experts, were intimidated by her. She had laughed saying that It was only because she didn't tolerate bullshit.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2020 ⏰

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