Chapter 1

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Jay was nervous. The team's planning to take down a drug ring. They've been working the case for almost three weeks and they finally found a way to bust the ring. The raid is scheduled for in  half an hour. Jay and Hailey are heading to the meeting point. When they arrived, Voigt was already waiting for them. They got out and after a few minutes Ruzek and Burgess also arrived and last but not least Atwater and Rojas. They discussed their plan again. 

"All clear?"


"Got it" 

"Alright, then everybody on position" 

Jay and Upton had to position themselves at the back entrance while Hank, Kim and Ruzek took the front door and Kevin with Vanessa at the cars supervised everything. 

"On my command, 1...2...3, go in!" Voight said on the radio.

 They stormed into the house and searched the rooms. 



"Here in the bathroom, come here." The detectives go to the bathroom, from where Kim calls out to them. 

"Oh my God" 

"This was the drug ring" 

"Sure, that's their M.O."

 There was a dead body in the bathtub, sliced through the ladle and countless stab wounds in the abdomen. Suddenly they heard footsteps and voices from the floor above them. They look at each other and nod. Hank, Adam, Hailey, Kim and Jay walk carefully up the stairs. Hank kicks in the door and screams, 

"Chicago PD, hands up!"

 There were four masked perps, one pulls a gun out and shoots at the cops. Adam had no choice but to shoot him. A second one pulled his gun, but didn't shoot. He just threatened. While the detectives were busy taking the gun away from the man, two of the suspects went through a window. Jay noticed this and ran after them. When Upton realized what Jay was up to, she ran after him. The suspects jumped off the roof of the house and ran towards the street. They did not expect Kevin and Rojas to be there. Kevin and Vanessa quickly noticed someone running in their direction and got in their way. They were able to arrest one of the suspects and the other one made it past them. Jay and Hailey ran after the last suspect, but he was fast. They split up, Jay turned right and Hailey kept running after him, so they could try to cut him off. As the perp ran down the sidewalk, Jay suddenly jumped out of an alley and managed to bring the suspect down. The perpetrator cried out in pain and yelled "Get off me" 

"Let's see who we have under the mask" said Jay as he held the suspect down and handcuffed him. Hailey knelt down and pulled the mask off. Jay froze. 


Hey guys;) This is the first chapter of my new Story, I hope you enjoyed it and I would really appreciate if you would give me a feedback. Thanks for reading my Story!

My other book: I Will Always Love You {Linstead}

Instagram: @linxstead

Be Alright {Linstead}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant