Tribute to Zoe Nightshade

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A/N: Here is a poem/song I wrote for Zoe Nightshade. I originally wrote it as a song, but it can be read as a poem too. Imagine the song as really light and melodic, a lot of breathy parts, head voice throughout the whole song, and a really pretty melody;flowing and sparkly.

Have you ever seen the night sky
And the stars shining high above the ground
Reminding us to follow our dreams
Smiling, with tired eyes, looking down
A silent guardian of the night
Whispers, "You are found"
You are found

I can see the stars
They follow me wherever I go
I can hear the stars
I hear them singing as the wind blows
And someday may I join my sisters
Beaming hand in hand
Watching over all thee
Who walk across this land
I can see the stars

Protect them M'lady
Keep the stars in view
I know that I am fading
But I'll watch over you
I'll die and join my brethren
And when the time is right
When the world's in harmony
Come and join me in the light

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