Childhood Friends

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Summary: Ochako is so tired of her two best friends Katsuki and Izuku fighting all of the time. She makes sure they know it too. Izuku understands, but it takes a bit more to convince Katsuki.

Warnings: Cursing... Lots of Cursing.

Ships: Always Kacchako. Slight Izuku x Ochako, and Izuku x Ochako x Katsuki


"Just hold still for a seco-..."

"FUCK!!!" Katsuki growled, turning his head away from the round beauty next to him.

The girl huffed and crossed her arms. "You know, you wouldn't be hurting like this if you guys just didn't fight. You know I hate it when you fight..." She said the last part rather quietly, looking down.

This made his heart ache slightly. He let out a "tch" and placed his hand under her chin. He forced her to look up at him.

"You know, it takes two to fight, so this isn't at all my fault alone." He growled out and let her go, feeling his cheeks heat up from their position.

She sighed and shook her head as she went back to cleaning his cuts. "I know that. I was with Deku-Kun before I came over. He'll be here soon to apologize. "

"Augh! Fuck! That fucking hurt Mochi..." He growled, and pouted." I don't want his fucking apology..."

Ochako sighed and placed a bandage on the cut she cleaned. She looked up at him with a stern look, causing him to blush a bit more.

"He's going to come over to apologise and you're going to do the same or else." She said and then started to clean the cut on his face.

Katsuki smirked, looking a bit proud. "Or else what? You'll make us eat your cooking?" He teased.

She glared up at him. "Or else... I won't talk to either of you for a week."

Katsuki's face instantly fell. "No, no, no. No need for that Mochi. I'll apologise..." He pouted slightly. She was his strongest weakness, and oh did she use that against him.

She smirked and placed a bandage on his cheek. She then playfully punched the arm that wasn't bandaged.

"That's for making fun of my cooking." She giggled and then reached up and kissed his cheek. "And that's for agreeing to apologize." She blushed and giggled some more.

Katsuki instantly became a blushing mess. He was about to say something when the door opened and in came in a bandaged Deku. Once he saw them he instantly blushed seeing how red Katsuki was. "I'm.... I'm sorry, am I interrupting something?"

Ochako giggled some more and stood up."Not at all. I just told Kacchan that he needs to apologize too."

"But he looks like a tomato, clearly something happened." Deku said nervously, earning a glare from Katsuki.

"He's fine. Now, onto business. Deku... Do you have something to say to Kacchan?" She said and crossed her arms, looking over to her freckled friend.

He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Kacchan... I'm really sorry about what happened earlier. I didn't mean to make you trip over that twig... It was just an accident."

Ochako nodded as she listened to Katsuki mumble something along the lines of "Apology accepted."

"Kacchan... Do you have something to say to Deku-Kun?" She asked, using her big doe eyes to finally push him into doing it.

He huffed and growled slightly."Fucking fine! Deku... I'm... I'm sorry, okay... I should have known you wouldn't trip me on purpose..." He said the last part softly which caused the two friends to hold their chest.

"Awww! Be still my beating heart!" Ochako teased and smiled playfully.

Katsuki blushed, then stood up, knowing what was coming next. Deku got closer as well.

As a punishment(Mostly for Katsuki), they had a ritual that proved that they were really sorry.

"Alright men! Assume position!" She said in her best commanding voice.

Deku smiled and opened his arms, while Katsuki begrudgingly did the same following an eye roll.

"Yes Ma'am."

"Do we fucking have to?"

She giggled as she pulled the two into a tight hug. Deku smiling as Katsuki pouted.

"Ma'am, it seems that one of our men refuses to smile. What shall we do?" Deku said as he looked up at Katsuki's pouty face. The teen rolled his eyes.

Ochako nodded."Understood, commence Plan: Doki Doki!" The two smirked and hugged him tighter.

"You're amazing!"

"You're the best!"

"Everything you do is great!"

" You're number one in our hearts!"

Katsuki was fighting the urge to laugh and smile at them. God, why did they have to be such adorable dorks. He bite his lip to keep himself from smiling.

"Ma'am, it isn't strong enough."

"I was afraid of this... Time for our final blow!" Ochako smiled and giggled. Deku nodded and they looked up at a confused Katsuki.

"We love you Kacchan!"

This definitely got him. He blushed softly and smiled at the two, pulling them close and earning a few giggles.

"Fine... I'll give in. But only because I love you dorks too."

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2020 ⏰

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