Chapter 1 - The Dragon's Call: Part I

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        No young woman, no matter how great, can know her destiny. She cannot glimpse her part of the great story that is about to unfold. Like everyone, she must live and learn. And so it would be that the girl, a young witch, will arrive at the gates of Camelot. A girl that, in time, will bear a legend and rule beside a great king.

Her name, [Name].


It started with little things. Mikoto didn't realize at first that it was you, her own daughter. After all, how could she assume it was you in the first place? Odd objects would float, things would appear out of nowhere, and there was no logical explanation for it. But when she noticed your eyes glow gold, it all changed.

Mikoto wasn't sure if your father's genes had passed on to you, and she hoped it hadn't. But hope could only get her so far. Those eyes she had seen meant one thing, you had magic. Flowers seemed to blossom around you whenever you traveled into the forest to collect fruit, and nature just seemed to be attracted to your presence. But not all was fine and dandy, for magic was forbidden in the land of Camelot, Essetir's neighboring kingdom, and thought upon as a danger to the common people.

Even so, how could she hate you for being a witch? It wasn't something you could control, and it certainly wasn't bad magic. You didn't even know how to use incantations--which was why Mikoto was sending you to Kuroo, an old student of your father in Camelot. He was a former practitioner in magic, and she had no one else to turn to.

You were strong, Mikoto knew, so much stronger than you appeared, and she feared that you would lose control of your power or grow twisted because of it. She didn't want you to leave—you were family—but she cared more for your well being than her own love for you.

Mikoto could feel tears stinging her eyes as she watched you pack your knapsack. You would thrive in Camelot; she had taught you enough, the behaviors of the court, how to speak to them (she was, once, a rather respected court member in Camelot) and the ways of the city. She smiled sadly, and croaked, "Do you have everything?

"Stop worrying, will you? It'll only take a couple of days to get to Camelot."

Mikoto sighed and placed the scroll addressed to the physician in your hand, curling your fist around it. "Now, take this to the court physician, Kuroo. He'll give you a place to stay and take care of you in Camelot, " she instructed with a watery smile. Tears were already filling her eyes, a few stray ones trickling down her cheek but she did not make motion to get rid of them; she was too busy kissing your cheeks and forehead, over and over.

You let out a little grunt and lightly pushed her away. You were smiling—your smile was lovely, so bright and exuberant. Mikoto would miss it.

"Okay. Kuroo, the court physician—go find him. Got it, " you repeated. But as your mother wiped away your tears, you bit your lower lip and drew your mother close. "Stop worrying. I can protect myself if need be, remember?" You smiled and kissed her cheek. "I love you."

"I love you, [Name]," she squeezed her eyes shut and relished in the last few moments she would have with you before you would leave. "I'll miss you so much."

"As will I."

"Oh! And don't forget that no one but Kuroo must know about your magic, all right? And don't tell him straight away because you might give him a heart-attack," Mikoto told you, smiling fondly.

"Yes, I know!" You laughed. "Goodbye," you called as you began to make your way toward the woods.

You made it to the trees before two arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you back against a warm chest.

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