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      The room was freezing, everything was cold to the touch and yet here she sat shifting uncomfortably in the rickety metal chair she never thought she would be sitting here, pictures sat out in front of her it was as if the fates were strategically planning her fallout. PHOENIX CABEZA couldn't help the overwhelming and somewhat calculated Guilt that found its way into her very core.

At no time did she ever think she would be in this position, the fates were clearly working against her, totally disregarding the package to tissues set in front of her, she let the tears fall freely down her face. there was a slight tremble in her hands as they anxiously sat on top of the metal investigation table. The insistent ticking of the boring office clock echoed throughout the empty room, doing nothing to settle her anxious mind. Phoenix could only find herself sitting there counting every ugly tile in the room, she only made it up to 55 before her gaze shifted up to the woman standing in front of her.

"You seem tired" The Inspector mumbled just loud enough for the girl to hear.

The girl scoffed titling her neck from side to side hoping to release some tension, " Yeah no shit its almost as if I've been sitting here for 17 hours straight".

"Look Phoenix, I just want to know what kind of relationship you and Marina had?" The woman asked. Leaning back into the cheap chair.

Phoenix shivered, but never taking her in the eyes away from the woman " id like to think we were friends, not exactly the best but friends nonetheless".

The Inspector clicked her tongue, flipping through her folder. " some witnesses have said that they saw you and marina arguing by the bridge a week or so before her death".

"id like to think that all friends argue" Phoenix said. " there is absolutely no motive for me to kill her".

The woman quickly looked up, " I didn't say you killed her. What did you argue about?"

"She got me in trouble with my parents" Phoenix stated as she looked down at her hands."she was acting strange, she started lying to people. I was just trying to figure out what was up, but she wouldn't budge".

" We had a look at her autopsy. She was pregnant".

"Uh yeah I know". Phoenix whispered and the woman turned her head in shock. " I had my suspicions I mean nausea, dizzy spells".the girl sighed before continuing " all it took was her confirmation to let me know my guess was right, I suggested that she tell her parents but she wasn't a fan of that idea".

" What kind of relationship did you have with her brother?"

Phoenix answered without hesitation " Guzmán and I have a unique friendship, we share common interests and id like to think we're good friends because of it".

"I'd like to think there's a bit more to that, right? As he vouched for innocence when we questioned him".

"Pardon me," Phoenix spoke as she turned her focus to the investigator. " what does Guzmán have to do with this?"

The woman leaned forward her hands clasped infront of her. " There was a fight in the boy's locker room, two years ago" she leaned back once again " which you happened to be a witness of".

" I was in the girls locker room, I heard noises". Phoenix confirmed. " I went out too see what was going on, Im on the welcome committee it wouldn't look good on my part is there was something going on in the halls and I didn't try to break it up". She shrugged.

" So what did you see"

Phoenix hesitated but answered nonetheless," they were in the boys locker room, it was a... fight".

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