Prompt 17

64 3 2

"You have nowhere to run!" The hero yells, the sound of her bare feet echo through the corridor

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"You have nowhere to run!" The hero yells, the sound of her bare feet echo through the corridor. The villain laughs and keeps running.

Their lair is an intricate maze of corridors, designed to confuse the villains enemies and give them the upper hand but the hero is hot on their trail. The hero pushes her legs to go faster and ignores the burning of her lungs and legs.

She sees the villain turn sharply towards the left and she almost slides past it. Gripping the edge of the wall she manages to turn around and hurls herself down the corridor only to crash against an invisible wall

"Damn you!" The hero yells she turns to backtrack but another wall cuts her off, she falls back and catches herself with her hands. Her wrists ache from the impact

"Pretty" the villain purrs from somewhere the hero can't see, the hero stands and turns around frantically but there's no one there just the walls of the corridor and glass walls that have her trapped.

"Coward!" The hero yells "face me!" The villain laughs and it makes the hero want to throw something but she's empty handed

"I'm right here" the villain says standing at the end of the corridor the light above casting a shadow over their face. They hold their arms out to the side

"Release me" the hero growls clenching her fists

"Why would I do that," The villain asks "when you look so pretty, all angry and defenseless?" They start to walk towards the hero who is shaking with anger

"What will you do to me?" She asks standing straight "torture me? Kill me?"

"My dear hero" the villain laughs stepping even closer "you hurt me" they place a hand over their heart as if they had been hurt by the hero and the other hand on their hips, they pout. Suddenly the villain rushes forward and slams their hands on the walls they lean forward their hair falling on their face

"The things I'm going to do you are beyond your wildest nightmare" they grin viciously "you've been on my tail for years little hero you've seen my creations" the hero steps back their hand goes to their mouth and they try not to throw up

The villains creations as they call them are horrible, disgusting, and macabre sights. Every time the villain strikes the newspaper's print as many grotesque photos as they can get before the police has to intervene. There has never been a scene that has not made the hero throw up.

The most recent creation of the villain had been displayed to the public on the most popular building of the city. From the twelve floor to the twenty fifth the windows had been decorated with multiple body parts and internal organs of a single person. The villain had stretched the intestine as far as it could go and blood splattered everything, more blood than what could possible belong to a single person. 

It took the fire department two days to clean the building and meanwhile the body had rotted and started to fall to the street below. It had been a complete mess.

One particular creation had been of a woman mutilated beyond recognition and combined with multiple animals parts. She had been positioned as the Virgin Mary with crow wings attached to her back and a snake hanging from the hole where her mouth had been.

"Are you going to faint my dear hero?" The villain asks pulling the hero back to the present

"You disgust me" she whispers, the villain laughs loudly and stands up straight their head hangs in an awkward position and they step forward

"Tell you what" they bare their teeth "I won't kill you, I'll even let you go" the hero's heart starts hammering in her chest at the weak promise of freedom. In the villains lair they have the upper hand and she'll do anything to avoid becoming a creation.

The hero swallows hard and takes a tentative step forward

"What do you want?" The hero asks. The villains head snaps back into and upright position and they sneer as they stand inches from the glass wall keeping the hero trapped

"I'm going to tell you a secret" the villain licks their lips making the hero grimace "if you don't scream I'll let you go"

"That's it?" The hero asks shaking but refusing to back down, she takes a step forward straightening her shoulders, it amuses the villain. Seeing her confidence is amusing because they know the hero will break

"Tell me your secret" the hero says boldly sounding a lot more confident than she actually feels

"Are you ready?" The villain asks standing so close to the hero that she can feel their breath on her face

"I'm ready" the hero nods, the villain snaps their teeth suddenly and holds up a hand

"Touch me" the villain smiles eerily

"What?" The hero asks confused

"Touch my hand" the villain keeps smiling their eyes wild

"But there's a wall I can't touch your,"

"TOUCH MY HAND!" The villain shouts causing the hero to jump "or I'll skin you alive right now you pathetic little girl" they whisper their threat. The hero wipes her hands on her legs and holds up her hand.

Slowly she takes the final step and just as slow starts to approach the villains hand. The villain looks giddy with excitement. The hero's breathing gets even faster as she's inches form the villains hand. Shaking slightly she touches the villains hand, the hero can only feel the wall before her but the villain is practically shaking

"What's the secret?" The hero asks hyper wear of the trembling in her voice, the villain licks their lips and leans forward their breath clouds the wall as they speak

"This is a mirror"

The hero screams in horror and flings herself backwards. The screams claw their way up her throat and steal her breath. Despite her screaming she can still see the villain, they're on the floor too in the same position as the hero, the face that had been covered by a shadow is now clear as day. The hero recognizes the eyes, the nose, the mouth, even the scar on the right cheek. The hero has that same scar from when she fell years ago. Everything is the same. The person staring back at the hero is clearly the villain, but it's also her own face.

Everything is the same.

The only difference is that the villain isn't screaming... she's laughing.

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