The Way He Looks- Chapter 12

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I almost didn't update this weekend! I had to film for my documentary on Friday and I went out with friends yesterday and I had my grandma's birthday party today and came home pretty late. But, I managed to fit in some time for a little chapter. So, here's chapter twelve of The Way He Looks!


The day of the trip to Florida came around about a week later and Dan was standing outside the airport, waiting for his mother to quit sobbing. She clung onto him like he was leaving her for life when he was only going away for a week. He couldn't even imagine how she'd be when he was actually leaving the house to start his own life with his own family. 

His dad on the other hand, was much calmer about him heading off for the week. He gave him a big hug, one that last for a bit too long, before patting his bag and handing him his bags. "Have fun, Danny," he smiled, "Don't make us regret paying for this trip." 

Dan laughed before giving one last quick hug to both of them and heading off into the airport. He struggled to keep hold of his bags while guiding himself with his walking stick. Soon enough, all three bags were on the floor and Dan let out an aggravated groan. He really wished he’d have someone to help him out.

Unfortunately at that moment, Dan didn’t really have any friends. Ever since the party, neither Phil nor PJ had spoken to him. PJ was passed pissed at Dan, and he couldn’t blame him. Dan was a huge dick that night and PJ didn’t deserve the treatment he got. Especially since PJ was ever more vulnerable due to his intoxication.

Though, Dan was pretty pissed for getting pulled out like that. He was about to lose his kissing virginity to the hottest girl in school, according to others. Yet, PJ had to walk in there and yank him out of the house like the possessive person he can be sometimes. Though, the kiss he did get was far better than some girl’s.

Dan was so confused about what happened with Phil. Of course, he liked the boy, but it wasn’t what he wanted. He didn’t want Phil to feel like he had to kiss Dan just because he was whining about it. He didn’t want Phil to feel obligated to doing anything for him. But, he did. Dan had to go yelling at him about being controlled. He couldn’t just keep his mouth shut for once.

Yet, as bad as he felt about the kiss, the kiss itself felt amazing. Even though it lasted only a few seconds and Dan didn’t even have the nerve to kiss back, it was amazing. The warm, soft feeling of Phil’s lips on his, their body’s only centimeters apart, the world around him spinning, the whole experience was extravagant.

But, what did it all mean? Dan believed that Phil only kissed just because he felt pressured to, but what if Phil actually wanted to kiss Dan. And, what if he actually did but since Dan didn’t kiss back, he thought it was the wrong move. Dan shook his head at the thought. He didn’t want Phil to believe he wasn’t into him. Yet, he couldn’t help but think that he not kissing back did just that.

“Daniel, you need help with those bags?” a deep voice suddenly asked and Dan snapped out of his thoughts as he heard the teacher’s voice. He quickly nodded before picking up one bag and grabbing the teacher’s shoulder. The two of them stopped in the waiting area and Dan sat down in one of the seats.

He listened to the laughter and chatter of the students around him as he sat awkwardly. He really wished he wasn’t blind in these situations. He would be able to pretend to do things on his phone, he would be able to see whose staring at him or judging him, he’d be able to find Phil and PJ. But, he couldn’t do any of those things. All he could do was just sit there in his own darkness and picture his own taunting thoughts.

“Flight six is now boarding,” the speaker broke Dan out of his trance. He quickly hopped up and guided him to the ticket stand, wanting to be the first to in the plane so he could get any seat. The lady scanned his ticket and he quickly went to his seat, moving his hand over the seats and counting to find his row.

Eventually, he sat down and leaned his head back, letting out a big sigh. He began to hear the other students and teacher file in and tensed up. He didn’t know who’d sit next to him, and with his luck, it’d probably be someone he wasn’t hoping for.

Soon enough, the students filed in and Dan was relieved to know that there was nobody sitting next to him. “There you two are,” the teacher called out, Dan’s heading jolting to the side, “You were about to miss the plane.” The other’s soon erupted in howls and whistles.

“You all have such dirty minds,” the dreadful voice giggled. Dan’s hand tightened over the arm rest as he swallowed. “Okay, you two, go find your seats,” the teacher said and within seconds, Dan heard the sound of the cushions moving in the seat next to him. “Hey, Dan,” Carrie squeaked and Dan bit his tongue to keep himself from groaning.

“Sucks we didn’t get a seat together, Phil,” she whined and Dan grimaced at the comment. What if the kiss from last week built up to this? What if Phil took Dan not kissing back as a sign it wasn’t going to happen and went after Carrie? What if they were together now? Dan shook his head before quickly putting in his earphones, turning the volume all the way up, hoping this flight would be a fast one.


Sorry for the shortness! This is just a little chapter to fill you guys in on Dan’s side of things from the party and to switch to the next part of the story. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Please your feedback as usual, and thanks for reading! 

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