Sign Traits

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Aries -
Positive: Courageous, Determined, Confident, Enthusiastic, Optimistic, Honest, and Passionate.
Negative: Impatient, Moody, Short-Tempered, Impulsive, and Aggressive.

Taurus -
Positive: Reliable, Patient, Practical, Devoted, and Stable.
Negative: Stubborn, Possessive, and Uncompromising.

Gemini -
Positive: Gentle, Affectionate, Curious, Adaptable, and a Quick-Learner.
Negative: Nervous, Inconsistent, and Indecisive.

Cancer -
Positive: Tenacious, Imaginative, Loyal, Emotional, Sympathetic, and Persuasive.
Negative: Moody, Pessimistic, Suspicious, Manipulative, and Insecure.

Leo -
Positive: Warm, Passionate, Dynamic, Brave, Adventurous, Though, Outgoing, Funny.
Negative: Scary Temper, Hard to forgive others, Prideful, Very Sensitive, Conceited, Arrogant, and tends to change personalities.

Virgo -
Positive: Loyal, Analytical, Kind, Hard Working, and Practical.
Negative: Shy, Worrier, Overly-Critical of Self and Others, and All Work/No Play.

Libra -
Positive: Co-Operative, Diplomatic, Gracious, Fair-Minded, and Social.
Negative: Indecisive, Avoids Confrontations, Will Carry a Grudge, and Self-Pity.

Scorpio -
Positive: Resourceful, Brave, Passionate, Stubborn, and a True Friend.
Negative: Distrusting, Jealous, Secretive, and Violent.

Sagittarius -
Positive: Generous, Idealistic, and Humorous.
Negative: Promises more than Delivers, Very Impatient, and No Filter on mouth.

Capricorn -
Positive: Responsible, Disciplined, Self-Control, and Good Manners.
Negative: Know-It-All, Unforgiving, Condescending, and Expects the worst.

Aquarius -
Positive: Progressive, Original, Independent, and Humanitarian.
Negative: Runs from emotional expression, Temperamental, Uncompromising, and Aloof.

Pisces -
Positive: Compassionate, Artistic, Intuitive, Gentle, Wise, and Musical.
Negative: Fearful, Overly Trusting, Sad, Desire to escape reality, and can be victim/martyr.

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