Black Rose

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***This particular poem was inspired by some guys (who happen to be black) on twitter discussing their dislike for darker skinned women.***

A garden full of roses
looking so beautiful and free
Out of a garden full of roses only one reminds me of me

Black rose, black rose as beautiful as can be
Garden full of roses so why is BLACK ROSE so lone-ly

All the other roses picked and cherished but the black rose you see........ is left to perish,

it's more than what meets the eye yet can't meet the eye of some

Put some respect on that black rose cause it's magical, mystical even, it compares to none

Think about that black rose, let it sink in, how it correlates to my black skin

Black rose I think we're kin, they hate you and they hate my black skin

But through it all we still win, we rise, we shine, we bloom, our blackness..... it's beauty

We brighten up any room, always remain proud...... that's our duty

Remember black rose our blackness IS OUR BEAUTY


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