{•}Chapter 1{•}

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The sound of Happy laughing Children Echoed Around The child as he lay on the cold Concrete Ground his mind wandering of To Fairy land were you aren't judged By the way you act Were you aren't judged by Your appearance
A world We're All your Stress and worry fade away in a instant
This little child about 6years of age is known as Northern Ireland
He lay there lost in the magical world he created
It may seem sad but What else Could he do?Everybody Acted as if he Wasn't there as if he was a shadow per say
Northern was Snapped out of his Fantasy world by a  figure that stood above him "Come on Northy  It's home time"Someone by the name Of Britain said Softly "Ok dad."A tiny yawn Escaped Northerns mouth as he got up of The concrete floor
Standing around Britain were all his siblings Wales Scotland and England The family started walking to a near by car Once They reached The car they of course as the car it's way home Northern Rested his Head on his hand Slowly his mind Started Drifting Of To His own Magical World
But yet again was sadly Pulled away By Britain "Alright were home!"
Northern had a tendency to loss track of time but who can blame him?
his siblings started Piling out of the car Northern waited Till they all Ran to the front door He didn't want to get Trampled after all

Once England wales and Scotland ran to the door Northern lowered Himself out of the car
He Pushed Opened the door That nobody bothered Leaving open for him but Northern didn't mind.

Yeah it's short and bad I'm just bored and need something to do

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