{•}Chapter 2{•}

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as Northern Walked Into The house His mother France Turned Her Head and smiled Widely at him "Hello
Northy how was Your Day Did you make any friends?" France spoke in a sort of Soothing voice "What do you think?"Little Northern Looked At the Ground his Low fragile voice barley Heard over his Siblings Screaming France gave a disappointing sigh her Face Features Forming a sad face
She really hopped that her little Northy could make a friend
But she shouldn't Get her Hopes up

Time skip because I'm lazy

Northern lay On his bed His brother England Snoring above him he Gazed Into the void of darkness that rested In the room
Yet again
Running of into His magical fairy land

Running around Forests Not a care in the world
Nobody to Bother him
Ever so slightly little by little his Eyelids started to shut

"Wake up England and Northern it's Saturday!!" A bubbly excited Wales Screamed The two brothers gave a loud Scream In return "Your Turn to open the blinds England"England gave a small sob and forcefully Dragged Himself To the window pushing open the blinds And Hissing like a vampire

England Mumbled and Stormed Out Of the room

Northern stuffed his Face In his pillow
Forcing himself out of his bed laying on the ground like a lazy sheep before Making a strange gurgling noise And Finally getting Up Walking Out Of the room
He Stared At the Stairs for a split second His eyelids Closed
But then Northern jolted Awake His Head lunging Ford
Running down the stairs
Pushing open the Living room door

He was greeted By yet again screaming Siblings
There always so loud
Northern made his way over to The sofa Burring His Face Into The soft fabric
"Northy Hunny Britains at a meeting So don't worry if you don't see him"France gave a warm motherly Smile

And northern was in his Dazzling magical  world again

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