Chapter 2| The Mermaid

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Jeff's POV

The mermaid was unconscious. Jeff pulled out his pocket knife and in one swift movement he cut the netting off her. 

S h e   m u s t   o f   h i t    h e r    h e a d   a g a i n s t    t h e

b u l k s .

Ben tilted the girl's chin and examined her face. A bruise was forming on her forehead.

J e f f .


P a s s  m e  y o u r   f l a s k .

Jeff squeezed his canteen shut and then pitched it at him. Ben caught it and as expected it was cold. He crouched down and placed it against the mermaid's head. His fingers caressed her hair. She leaned against his shoulder. It took him by surprise. Ben went from a squatting stance to a sitting position. He could hear her soft breathing. The water splashing against the boat became soothing. His eyelids begin to get heavy.


He jolted awake. Jeff scowled at him. His pale fingers were clutching an oar.

"So you get to just GO TO SLEEP while I do all the rowing back to the mansion?"

Y e a h .

Ben grinned. A knife nearly hit his head.


Owen's POV

It was the middle of the night.

Owen laid under cold bed sheets. He had rented a cheap room at an hotel. His eyes could barely stay open after all his research.


Moonlight spilled onto his back and a shadow grew on his bed. Someone carefully removed his top sheet and cold fingers begin to pull up his shirt.

Owen swiveled around and swung a fist. His blow was blocked. He tackled the person.


They fell off the bed and onto the floor. Or at least Owen did. His head ached.


A teenager sat on the ledge of a window. Owen only got a glimpse of their blue mask before they disappeared into the night.


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