Chapter 21| That Hurts

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You were going down a hallway that seemed to stretch for miles. Masky's footsteps reverberated off the carpeted floor as he pushed your wheelchair. You listened to him quietly hum to himself.

" are we going?" you asked.

His tune died down. There was an unsettling silence. A hand grabbed you by the hair and pain shot through your skull. His orange sleeve was in your peripheral vision. Masky was pulling your hair. You screamed.

"'re hurting me!"

He wasn't letting go. His fingers twirled around your bangs/ curls and at the same time yanked them. It was painful. Tears came into your eyes.

"! P....please! PLEASE!"

Masky let out a chuckle clearly amused.

"Am I hurting you?"


"What was that?"


"Stop crying."



You slammed a hand over your mouth. It held most of your sobs in.

"Good girl."

Masky sighed satisfied.

"What's your name?"


"What was that?"

" ..Y...Y/N..."

Masky let out a breathy chuckle that tickled the back of your neck.

"Y/N, huh? Well Y/N,"

You felt his leer.

"You need to know when to keep your mouth shut."



"How did you heal so fast?," Clockwork questioned, "Is that a cannibal trait?"

I wish.

Eyeless Jack tried to shrug it off. He felt footsteps shift closer to the bed he was on.

"...Is there something you aren't telling me?"

Ugh. I'm feeling too lazy to explain. Okay time for plan B.

"Is there something you are not telling me?," Jack retorted.


"Why were you and the mermaid so close to each other?"

"Me! How would YOU know how close we were!"

"I could feel the weight pressure you both were applying to one small section of a floorboard. Explain."

"We- I was just testing how much weight the wheelchair could take!"

"Uh-huh. Right."


"You're stammering a lot."





He had let go. You felt shock at first. A fuzzy feeling on your fingertips and toes. You quickly wiped the tears from your eyes.

It's okay.

It's okay.

Masky had resumed his humming. You took a deep breath.

It's fine.

You glanced at paintings hung on the walls. One was a portrait of a girl with green eyes and pink dress. Another of two boys rough housing. The third of the octopus.

The fourth one is different, dark and not as visible. A figure with it's back to you. Fifth is the same thing expect the figure has turned slightly. You can see silver eyes. As you continue to move down the hallway the figures reveal it's self more and more in the passing paintings. It's trouser straps. Claws. And coned nose.

The clown.

He pounced out of the frame.

Your wheelchair came to a abrupt stop, nearly making you fall forward.


The clown let out malicious laughter. You felt your heart shake. He went silent and looked to Masky than to you. The corners of his black lips curved upwards. He stood from his crouching position, showing how much taller he was.


He leaned forward now face to face with you.

"Hello again."

She's a Healer |Creepypasta x Mermaid ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang