My wish is....

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Charm's P.O.V

Damn this isn't good they have us trapped. And at this rate I won't live much longer... damn it Jinx!... why did you have to use a poisoned dagger.....


"That sounds lovely in all my dear sibling but I am not here for you and or Cal this time"says Gluttony with a cocky smirk.


"For Charm of course"says Gluttony.

"Let me guess... your mistress wants me to join your army to help end Matheo's army? Please do correct me if I am wrong"I say with a sarcastic smile.

"Oh no! You are right Charm darling!"Says Gluttony with a smile.

"Call me darling one more time and your manhood will burn and die"I say with a dark serious expression.

"I... am going to leave now"says Gluttony as he hides behind the motionless Jinx.

"Care to explain to Varg... no more like false Varg why Jinx is a statue?"I ask while I try and stop the bleeding. Damn this isn't good I probably only have 10 minutes left to live maximum.

"Easy... she's already dead and correct I am not your Varg.."says the false Varg as he snaps his fingers and the body that once looked like Jinx is a rotting corpse that looks like it's been dead for a long time.

"I see... so did my uncle put you up for the job of killing me?"I ask with a sigh.

"Oh no... I killed him and I killed your mother"says the false Varg with a sadistic smile.

"You... KILLED HER!!! DIE! JUST DIE!"I shout as I jump up and pull out my dagger as I try to stab the false Varg.

"Now.. now Charm... aren't you forgetting something? Oh well it's time for me to go bye bye Charm" says the false Varg as he vanishes into the air.

"Gahhhh!"I scream before I fall to the ground. Damn... guess my time is finally up.

"CHARM!!!!"Shouts Despair as they run to Charm's side.

"It friends I don't think I can make it ... so promise me..."I manage say before the last breath leaves my body.

"Charm promise you what?!! You can't die without saying your" says Despair as they sob while holding on to Charm's lifeless body.

Despair's P.O.V

She's gone... Charm... I am sorry I didn't save you from your fate...

"Despair... I found this in Charm's belongings she wanted you to read it"says Matheo as he hands me a piece of paper.

"Thanks.... here I go... my friends I am so sorry that are time together was cut short. I loved every moment I spent will all of you. I know I said I never had a wish but I do now... I wish that your futures will be bright even if I can no longer be there"I say with the voice of Charm. After I finished reading I couldn't stop myself so I broke down sobbing.

"Despair.. I am so sorry"Vio timidly says before she runs into Venrie's arms sobbing.

"The idiot is finally gone"says Cal quietly as he secretly smiles to himself.

"Charm... you were an idiot and an edgelord until the end"Venrie awkwardly says.

I barely even here what the others are saying. My mind isn't there when I notice something on the back of the note and it said.

"Despair if the children of Ember take my body... please kill me"says the  voice of Charm

"Charm... I promise I will save you instead"I say as glance at the sky. I will save you Charm.

Gluttony's P.O.V

That was an interesting  show well... I suppose i should leave...

"Until next time Despair!" I shout before I return to the children of Ember.

Charm's  final wishWhere stories live. Discover now