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2 Months Later 

Despair's P.O.V

It's been two months since Charm passed away. The castle has been quieter since her death and there was nothing from the children of Ember...

"Despair you are needed in the conseil room now" says Vixen.

"I see..."I say before I take off to the conseil room. Once I get inside I notice that Matheo is pacing around the room, vio is sitting scaredly at the table, Venrie  standing in a corner looking at Vio, Cal has his head in the table and Lux has her arm on him. The rest of elites are missing expect Vixen who walks in behind me. 

"Good.. you are all here there has been some movement in the children of Ember.... but I am afraid it's not as simple as it seems"says Matheo with a sigh as he clutches his face.

"Matheo... what's going on?"I ask afraid that he may say what I don't want to hear.

"Charm Kennai... is leading a group of elites  with Gluttony and Varg... they should be here in an hour. I know none of you want me to say this but you must kill Charm no matter way"says Matheo.

"..." I don't reply.

"Ughhhh... I mean make it look like you have killed her... I would like to have my undead elite back ok?"Says Matheo with a sigh.

"Of course!" I shout.

"Alright then, everyone is dismissed"says Matheo as he gets up and leaves the room.

Charm... I know you told me to kill you but how about I save you so you can come back home instead?

"Despair... are you ready?" Asks  Venrie.

"Ready as I will ever be"I say while I smile at the sky. Come home Charm we are all waiting for you to come home.

Charm's P.O.V

It's been two months since my death and I started working for the children of Ember. But now I may finally be free....

"Charm... are you ready?"Asks Varg (the real one).

"Yes... thanks for helping me out for the past two months Varg"I say with a small smile.

"No problem at all... but bring them hell for me ok?"Asks Varg.

"Of course"I say with a smile.

"Charmy dear, you ready to go?"Calls Gluttony.

"Of course!"I shout back. My friends... we will be reunited again I promise if you can save me but if you can't please just kill me.

The End

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading my first ever fanfic on Charm! I hope you all enjoyed and feel free to ask a question and or give me a recommendation for a new story to write!  Also should I make a sequel or a side story off this? Thanks so much!

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