Chapter Five

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The pale stone of the city gates loomed and appeared to be growing larger with every step Lianne took, the moon casting long slithering shadows in every corner and adding a dark and sinister edge to Roman's every feature prompting Lianne to shiver, that's all she seemed to do nowadays.

But Lianne would not cower now, she would seize every step with pride because she was not one to shrivel up and cry (well technically she had cried herself to sleep a few nights before) Lianne understood she was doomed to die anyway, so why not go with some dignity. Would Roman be the one to plunge a blade into her heart for being a supposed child to a dead king or would some other soul be the one?

Lianne didn't care, instead, she watched as they reached the gates.

"What is your business?"  A gatekeeper spoke rather coldly and Roman, without uttering a single word, rolled up his sleeve up to his bicep and uncovered a tattoo Lianne hadn't know was there. The tattoo was a Phoenix on fire and below it was the numbers and letters GR97853, the gatekeeper immediately thumped his chest twice and bowed his head low before mumbling softly "forgive my insolence, the shadows cloaked you" 

Roman's only response was an incline of his chin as he looked straight ahead and didn't even so much as acknowledge the gatekeeper who still stood with his head down. Roman gripped Lianne's wrist roughly then, and stormed past the gatekeeper and started walking straight towards the walls of the Kingdom, instead of heading towards the actual gates.

"Roman, the gates are over ther-" Lianne gasped as they reached the wall and Roman walked right on through! Lianne nearly cried out as he pulled her with him, the wall shimmered as she felt herself go through the thick walls before coming to the other side and toppling onto her knees gulping for air.

"We came through the back entry, directly behind the place, we are in the gardens now" Roman stated coldly before grasping Lianne by the belt of her trousers and setting her upright "Try to compose yourself," Roman said before storming ahead through a maze of a garden, Lianne was sure it was stunning but at the moment she was trying not to lose Roman in the bushes.

He was being such an ass!

Finally Roman slowed when the castle came to view, and again Lianne was struck with the remarkable resemblance to what a castle might look like in a movie, she was basically staring at the same castle as in Beauty and the Beast.

It was breathtakingly beautiful, with rose-covered vines snaking up pillars and gold trimming on every edge she could see, and before she knew it she was inside, in what she was presumed was a sitting room of sorts.

Immediately a servant appeared and bowed her head to Roman "I assume everything is prepared" Roman stated more than asked and the servant nodded frantically "Good, take her and prepare her for tomorrow" he said before disappearing down a long corridor leaving Lianne with the brown-haired servant.

That was freaking it? That was all she got after trekking half around this realm with that prick, no goodbyes, no wave. What a freaking jackass.
Lianne turned her attention to the servant girl who looked about her age -- if not younger-- and attempted a smile, which caused the girl to gasp in fear apparently.

The servant lowered her head even more if possible and whispered "you are to follow me Miss" 

Lianne thought it was pretty stupid of them to leave this mouse of girl to guard her, what if she ran? Lianne looked around for the quickest exit but the girl seemed to take note because she quickly added "the guards will catch you"  before walking away into the opposite corridor in which Roman had disappeared into, expecting Lianne to follow...which she did.

The castle was enormous! Lianne seemed to follow the girl down countless corridors and up several flights of stairs before eventually she was led into a room at the end of a corridor.

The bedroom was beyond words, a massive bed with blood-red curtains hanging on either side stood in the center while a large wardrobe and dresser were also in the room, there was also a small sitting area by a large window which were draped with curtains and a small table stood in the center with a few snacks spread out for her to eat.

The servant girl gestured to a basin and pitcher by the dresser and said: "His magnificence has advised you to wash up and dine before heading to bed Miss, tomorrow will be a big day for you and everyone will expect you to be at your best when you are presented before the king." She said meekly before shutting the door with a "click" and Lianne waited till she heard her steps fade before ignoring everything she said and stripping down to just her shirt and crawled into bed.

It was not long before she drifted off into the best sleep she'd ever experienced since she was in the womb probably.


The morning rays shone warmly into the room and directly onto the bed, in which Lianne lay curled into a ball and practically purring like a kitten as she slept on and on. She startled awake as a loud rap echoed twice before the same brown-haired servant girl burst inside looking rather flustered.

Lianne immediately sat up in bed wide-eyed, Auburn hair sticking out every which way as she yawned and looked apprehensively at the maid.
"I've come to prepare you for the king" she stated before pulling the sheets off Lianne and then walked to the wardrobe and opened and searched through the dozens of dressed inside. Lianne didn't exactly know what to do with herself to be honest, she should probably wash up.

Within minutes Lianne had washed up face and hands and whatever else she could and twisted her hair up in a messy bun and turned to find the maid holding a simple red gown in front of her.

The dress was tapered at the waist and a then flared out into a skirt which had intricate tiny tendrils of beaded flames aside from that the shoulder were bared and the back dipped uncomfortably low. The maid made quick work of helping Lianne into the dress and before Lianne knew it the maid began working Lianne's hair into a hairstyle of braids brought into a bun with a few strands made to flow behind. 

Finally, the maid gave her some flats to slip on before silently leading her down multiple hallways and stairways and rooms before finally a corridor opened up into a huge open area where two large doors loomed ahead guarded by two soldiers and inside could be heard murmurs and hushed tones. The maid indicated with her hands for Lianne to go inside, and Lianne slightly swayed before approaching the doors and the guards wordlessly opened them up and delivered her into the den of lions.

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