Chapter Nine

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"Princess, tomorrow we discuss your marriage in detail, be there will you, "

The King's words echoed inside Lianne's head immediately upon waking, pulling a groan from her lips as she buried her face in her many pillows.

She almost wanted to cry, who would they make her marry?! What if it was an old man with a balding head and a round belly, or an abusive man or a one with a tendency to cheat? Honestly, they could marry her off to a Greek God and she'd still be mad though.

This was her choice to make, her own partner to live the rest of her life with, not them! So why should they be allowed to choose for her?

The more she thought about it, the more frustrated she became. So that when Ri came in, she found her sitting up in bed with her arms crossed and a huge scowl on her face.

"Oh no, " Ri complained, and if her looks indicated anything, Lianne was pretty sure she was contemplating the idea of just walking away, but apparently decided against it as she walked to her wardrobe.

"I'd ask about the night gathered, but obviously it didn't go well, " Ri said as she continued her search through the dresses. "You could say that, and to make matters worse the king wants to discuss my marriage!" Lianne's whines could put a child's to shame.

Ri chuckled like actually chuckled at her pain " Don't worry Miss, just let me get you ready to meet his Highness, " she said and pulled out a simple-- yet stunning-- dark green billowy dress.

After that, it was all a blur, Ri changed her and did her hair before hurriedly leading her to the council room. She then abandoned Lianne to head inside the huge wooden door which led inside to where the king was.

The minute Lianne walked inside, she noticed how heated the conversation was, the king was furiously explaining something about the rebels to the men gathered, but they seemed to disagree heartily.

But once the king caught sight of Lianne he turned and gave her a brilliant smile, and Lianne immediately felt uneasy. " Welcome Princess, so glad you decided to join us, "

Lianne decided to drop all pretenses "Oh stop being fake, we both know why I'm here, and it had nothing to do with me deciding to come down, " she said blankly

The king's smile was feral, gleaming with a hidden dark edge "Straight to the point, I like it "

Lianne refused to acknowledge his statement, instead arched a brow and continued on " I came because I want to make it clear I do not agree with this whole situation, you're not giving me a choice at All, I do not even understand the reasoning for wanting me to marry anyone!"

Again that vicious smile, but this time, all the men gathered shared it, as though they all knew something she did not.

The king sighed, deeply " Your father, although a tyrant, had some very devoted followers which believed in enslaving those below them. And since the discovery of the lost Princess, also known as his last heir they have fought back with great vengeance, seeing you as some sort of symbol for their little rebellion. " He said and waited for Lianne's reaction, and she did not disappoint.

Her entire face was pure shock " But I have nothing to do with this, do you want me to tell them all to Fuck off or something. Because I'll gladly tell them all of if it meant not marrying anyone, "

The king smiled " Although I'd love to see you swear at the whole rebellion, I'm afraid it would prove nothing, only by marrying someone they consider the enemy would they ever truly believe you're with us, " As he said this Lianne was about to say she wasn't on his said until she noticed his pointed glare.

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