Part I

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First day of my exam week is done! To celebrate, I'm publishing this book related to Christmas and Bodil40 (Yes, this is my gift for you guys! I should be studying too.). Originally, I made this as a one-shot story but since it ended up really long and I cannot decide if I want to cut this or not or when I orginally going to post this so... yeah. Ten days to go 'till Christmas! MERRY CHRISTMAS AND ENJOY THE STORY!


It was a day away until Christmas Eve and Riley had nothing to do while her brother, Baki, was recording for his channel. She was reading Hunger Games until her brother knocked on the door.

"Hey! Since mom and dad are away, wanna have a party this Christmas?" Baki asked, smiling at Riley.

"I guess we have nothing to do. Sure." She said while she closed her book.

They got to invite their friends over and they said yes.

"We got the guests. So let's go shopping!" Baki cheered while Riley groaned when she heard the word "shopping". 

Baki liked shopping while Riley doesn't. Let's just say they were sometimes complete opposites.

They got food, drinks and decorations for the party. They even got a month supply of hot chocolate because their house is like an igloo when it's Christmas. Once all grocery shopping is done, they parted ways because they didn't want to spoil their surprises.

"What should I get for them?" Riley asked herself as she was roaming around the mall.

Suddenly, an idea struck her like an arrow to the heel. She walked to a nearby customization shop and she had an idea what to give to her friends. She got four notebooks for her bestfriends, Nikki, Trisha, Amber and Alexa. She also got key chains for her other four friends: a troll face for Bodil, a keyboard for Simon, a ghost from Pacman for Ghost, a bumblebee (not the Transformer) for Double and Olaf from Frozen for Baki. Riley engraved their names in their respective gifts.

"How long will that be?" Riley asked.

"That would be an hour or two." The cashier said then Riley paid for the gifts.

Riley thanked the cashier and went out of the store. After that, she walked to the bookstore to read and kill some time. She wore her headphones, listened to some music and hummed the tune of the song. While she was walking there, she bumped into someone, making her drop her things.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry I should have look whe-"Riley said quickly as she was picking up her things but she didn't finish her sentence when she looked up. It was Martin who she bumped into. She had a crush on him for a while now but Baki and her bestfriends knew.

"Oh! Hi, Martin!" Riley said, blushing a little.

"Hey, Riley! What are you doing here and where's Baki?" Martin asked.

"I'm just roaming around while Baki is probably still buying gifts." Riley said.

"Alright, wanna go to the arcade with me?" Martin asked as he scratched at the back of his neck.

"Sure! I had nothing to do for the next two hours" Riley said then Martin grabbed her hand and dragged her to the arcade while Riley quietly smiled and blushed.

~Two hours later~

Riley had a great time at the arcade with Martin. She played Jumping Fantasy and also got a prize from the crane machine. She was with Bodil for more than two hours and she lost track of time. But there was a vibration in her bag. She checked her phone and it had 6 missed calls and 15 messages from Baki.

"Oh shit..." Riley cursed then Baki sent his 16th message.

Baki: Riley! Where are you?! I'm already in the house because you took so long

Riley: Sorry, bro. I was with Martin while waiting for the gifts since the last two hours.

Baki: Ohh! Now, I understand. See you at the house >:) .

He stopped texting after that. She suddenly imagined her brother smirking at her. She shivered at that thought since she always got the goose bumps when her brother smirks.

"I had to go." Riley said as she was getting her things.

"Let me take you home." Martin insisted.

"No thanks, I can just take a cab."

"No, I insist. Besides, it's dangerous to be out here alone." Martin said and he had a good point.

"Fine, let just get something." Riley sighed, saying that she gave up. They ran to the customization shop, which Riley went to two hours ago, and got her gifts in a bag.

"Are you ready to go?" Bodil asked and Riley silently nodded. They went to the parking lot

Once they were in Martin's car, Riley buckled her seatbelt and Martin started the car and started to drive to her house. Awkward silence filled the air and no one talked even once. She leaned on the window and watched the white landscape pass by. Her eyelids started to drop and eventually, she fell asleep.

~Time Skip~

The car stopped at Riley's house but she was still asleep. Martin looked and smiled at her because she looked so peaceful.

"Riley, wake up. We're here." Martin said, shaking her shoulders.

"Baki... five minutes... please..." Riley sleep-talked, making Martin laugh.

He grabbed an air horn from the backseat and placed it next to her ear then he silently counted down from three and honked it loudly. Riley jumped up and bumped her head to the ceiling.

"Oww, Bodil! What the hell?! What was that for?" Riley yelled as she rubbed her head and ear but suddenly, she saw him smirk.

"We're here." He said leaning towards Riley.

She leaned back until her back touches the door but he was still leaning towards her. Without knowing, she closed her eyes and felt Martin's breath tickling on her skin. She heard something click. She opened her eyes and Martin's face was inches away from hers. Riley's face turned into the color of a tomato and Martin moved back to his seat. She looked at her side, realized that he only unbuckled her seatbelt and she mentally face-palmed herself.

"I-I g-guess I'll be going now, see you tomorrow." Riley said with a hint of awkwardness in her voice.

She opened the door and went out of the car then she saw him waving at her before he drove off. As she entered the house, she was greeted by a smirking snowman.

"Uhh... hi, brother. What a lovely night it is." Riley said with awkwardness in her voice.

"So, a little bird told me that you were on a date with Martin." Baki said with a sly smile.

"I-it's not a date, Baki." Riley stuttered as she was not trying to blush.

"Yeah, right." Baki said sarcastically, making Riley roll her eyes as she was walking to her room.

She lay down on her bed and looked up at the white ceiling.

 "What just happen?" She talked to herself and continued to stare at the ceiling for quite some time but her eyelids were getting heavy once again and she went back to sleep.

Trolling Around The Christmas Tree (A Short Bodil40 Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang