Thug Love or No Love

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So from the beginning it hits!

Amour(Ari) is is going out with some friends and never made it she was raped in the backseat of her own car 😩, Dave ends up saving her 🥳 he takes her to his place while she recovers. Couple weeks pass by and she's still at Dave's obviously they've grown close but when his friends ask about Amour he says "she's too damaged for him" 🙄 (niggas always wanna stunt) anyway, not too long after that Amour decides she needs to get her shit together!
She starts a business and goes out to celebrate with her friends and is grinding on the dance floor somebody comes up behind her... yup (pops the p) you guessed it ofc it was Dave.. they reconnect 😜

They go though plenty of trials, Dave finds out more and more about amour but ofc he's a nigga thinking w his dick...

That's all I'ma tell y'all 😏 happy reading 😘

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