Good Night

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He tried getting to sleep but found himself struggling with doing so. Sebastian started on his side, staring at the wall, before turning onto his back so he could look at the ceiling. In the back of his mind, he didn't feel tired, likely because he slept for so long. Worse, thoughts rattled around in his head regarding what happened during the last few days. "Perhaps I should just leave."

"Why are you thinking of leaving?"

Sebastian felt his heart pound in his throat, hearing his brother's voice as he entered the room. He knew he would end up dealing with Itachi due to the fact they would end up sharing a room again. He didn't feel comfortable being close to anybody. In fact, when he stayed the night over at Sam's place he often slept on the floor or the couch. Of course, he didn't respond to what his brother said, and turned onto his side so he couldn't look Itachi in the eye.

"Seriously, why are you thinking of leaving?"

He took a deep breath, then let it out. "Because I don't want to be a burden."

"You're not."

"I am." What else did you call a brother who showed up on your doorstep randomly, who ended up never contributing anything; it didn't matter only a few days passed between when he arrived.

"Does this have to do with the fact..." Itachi let out a sigh, yet Sebastian heard his brother shuffling around the room. Apparently, he didn't feel uncomfortable changing around others as Sebastian did, but eventually, he got onto the other side of the bed. There didn't feel like much room between them, making him feel slightly claustrophobic. "Look..."

"I can sleep on the floor."

"You are not sleeping on the floor."

"You can't force me not to." Sebastian sat up, fully preparing to leave the bed, only to freeze upon looking his brother in the eye. He didn't understand how Itachi could be so okay with such situations.

"Right now you're being irrational."


"For some reason, you're thinking being close to anybody is wrong. Actually, that might not quite be it." Itachi looked away. "You may think being near someone platonically is wrong."


"Seriously. If someone gets the wrong impression it's their fault, not your own. We're brothers, so us sharing a bed isn't some weird thing, so please stop treating it as if it were."

"Yeah, but if Maru and I..."

"Maru is a girl. I'm a guy."


Itachi let out a sigh, but he didn't speak at first. "There's a certain point you stop doing certain things with a family member who's the opposite sex as you, so I guess I'm saying it would have been completely okay when Maru was younger. The real point.... " Itachi looked him in the eye. "There is nothing wrong with this arrangement, you're not sleeping on the ground and neither am I. Plus, I'd rather be near in case something else manages to happen to you during the middle of the night, so please, for my peace of mind stay put."

"For your peace of mind?"

"For my peace of mind."

"Fine." Sebastian lay down, yet still felt strange regarding the situation.

He also thought the conversation was over, but then Itachi said. "While it is true you may live in your mom's basement, you aren't relying on dad's money either."

"You're just trying to be nice."

"I'm trying to think of your situation positively since you won't."

Sebastian let out a sigh, then pushed himself up. "Look. I can't sleep as I'm not tired, but apparently, you want to talk, so let's talk, though to be honest, I don't see any difference between you – no strike that, I'm mooching off my mother and can definitely say I'm not doing anything productive with my life, but you – you're here attending college, right?" He watched Itachi look away. "See. That's why you got away from the family because you're going away from college."

"I also could have attended school a lot closer."

"It wouldn't be the school father attended though, would it?"

"Which was where he met your mother, so she definitely wouldn't want me going to that particular university." Itachi looked at his hands. "What happened between you and Yuki. Be honest."

"Don't you already know? I mean, Maru told you."

"I hear Mary's side of it, not yours."

Sebastian let out a sigh, leaning back and closing his eyes. "To be honest, I messed up by avoiding her. I mean, she deserves better – someone like..."

"Don't say me. Where did you even get the idea that Yuki and I were a thing."

"Your mother."

"My mother." Itachi let out a sigh. "This conversation became very weird. Just, tell me what happened."

"I don't know. I mean, we talked, decided we were strangers and that our relationship couldn't go back to the way it was, though that's honestly not what I wanted..."

"Something tells me if I ask Yuki, she'll tell me a different story."

"Um, no. She really did say that, that we were strangers to each other now, and that she was sorry for the fact things weren't going back to the way they were."

"Seriously, I think you're taking her words..."

Sebastian ignored his brother. "I mean, that was after I'd walked out of the arcade at the saloon when she showed up."

"You're an idiot."

"I'm aware of that."

"I don't think you are."

"We'll disagree on that, but then the flower dance happened, I thought about asking her because..." He stopped, the words stuck on his tongue. He also wasn't sure how one couldn't be aware of the fact they were an idiot when they openly admitted such. He heard Itachi laugh. "What?"

"The fact you can't verbalize you have feelings for her doesn't mean it isn't obvious you do."

"Tell that to the people who think I had – have – a thing for Abigail, who is the girl who Yuki danced with, so no, I didn't get to ask her."

"You're also not aware of the conversation which went down between them, are you?"

"Well, no. Your point."

"You don't know if Yuki turned this Abigail person down."

"She wouldn't have danced..." In the back of his mind, he remembered how Abigail ended up dragging Yuki away to dance, cutting off his chance to ask Yuki to dance with him, but also how he felt about wearing that ridiculous suit, pulling at the collar thinking things might actually turn out differently when they didn't.

"Look, you've not heard Yuki's side of things. Give her the benefit of the doubt, particularly since I'll be furious with you if she doesn't actually become a part of the family despite already being like family." Sebastian stared at his brother, but then Itachi added something else. "Look... I know all of this is hard for you to understand, the fact she does care about you, but... never mind." Itachi let out a deep breath. "Have a good night.

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