Tegan : mom I'm going out
Mom : have fun
Tegan : yep

I walk out the door getting in my car and i drive to the beach and walk around for a while trying to find jenna .

Daniel : tegan
Tegan : Daniel
Daniel : what are u doing here
Tegan : jenna told me to meet her here but i don't see her why are u here
Daniel : corey told me to come here
Tegan : right I'm calling jenna seeing where she is
Corey : yh and im calling corey

I get my phone calling jenna

Jenna : yes
Tegan : where are u
Jenna : at home
Tegan : u said u were at the beach
Jenna : i lied
Tegan : why am i here
Jenna ; so u and daniel can get to know each other
Tegan : excuse me
Jenna : i know u like daniel and corey told me that daniel likes u so we are setting u up .
Tegan : jenna
Jenna : get to know him thank u bye

She hangs up

Daniel : corey and jennas great idea of trying to set us up
Tegan : i know right
Daniel : i officially hate Corey
Tegan ; i hate jenna aswell
Daniel : and on Valentine's day
Tegan : well its when most dates happen so they probley choose the best day
Daniel : guess so but couldn't they of just left things to us
Tegan : don't look like it
Daniel : no

I sit down

Daniel : what are u doing
Tegan : the sun sets soon I'm gonna watch it
Daniel ; ok fair enough

He sits down

Daniel : may aswell get to know each other
Tegan ; ok how many siblings do u have
Daniel : 2 older brother and a younger sister
Tegan : i feel sorry for your sister 3 brothers
Daniel : we aren't bad
Tegan : still for sorry for her
Daniel : how many siblings do u have
Tegan : just an older sister
Daniel : what animals do u have on the farm
Tegan : just horses and chickens
Daniel ; the horses are cute
Tegan : yh so do u have any animals
Daniel : sadly not but i want a dog so badly
Tegan : what type
Daniel : i don't know any kind i love them
Tegan : ok
Daniel : what do your parents do then
Tegan : both doctors
Daniel : wow
Tegan : what do yours do
Daniel : there both retired now

I nod my head

Tegan : so what do u wanna do in life
Daniel : i want to be a singer I've loved singing and playing instruments for years and it something i wanna do . And i don't plan on giving up
Tegan : don't give up follow your dream because they will come true might to not happen straight away . And it might not feel like it won't happen but it will
Daniel : damn ok
Tegan : gotta give them emotional speachs
Daniel : motivating
Tegan : yh
Daniel ; so are u gonna stick to acting
Tegan : yh i got some new stuff coming out soon and my first song
Daniel : own song
Tegan : yh
Daniel : hope it all goes good
Tegan : thank u
Daniel : my god I'm tirer i planned on sleeping all of today because of my singless

I let out a little laugh

Tegan : why didn't i think of that
Daniel : cause u a dummy
Tegan : thank u

We both go quiet and we watch the sun set

Daniel : well that was a nice set
Tegan ; i love watching the sun go down especially at the beach where all u hear is the waves
Daniel : yh its nice
Tegan : soothing
Daniel : yh
Tegan : I'm hungry
Daniel : do u wanna get food
Tegan : its Valentine every place is gonna be booked
Daniel : that is true but worth a shot
Tegan : ok

We get up and we walk to this restraunt and they atcahlly had a place

Tegan : well I'm surprised
Daniel : i am aswell but hey we got in somewhere
Tegan : yh
Daniel : ugh tired
Tegan : sorry i bore u so much
Daniel : u don't bore me
Tegan : sure
Daniel : u don't but i am tired i didn't sleep much last night and if i had knowen i was gonna meet u i would of got more sleep.

I nod my head

Tegan : i bore u
Daniel ; shut up u don't
Tegan : ok

This women comes over taking our orders

Daniel : so did u have any plans for today cause u knew what my plans were
Tegan : um eat chocolates my mom got me and watch a movie with my mom but then she got called into work. So i was gonna watch movie myself
Daniel : u mom got u chocolates
Tegan : yh me and my mom are each others valentines
Daniel : thats sweet
Tegan : yh got her chocolates and roses
Daniel : my mom had my dad give her flowers and chocolates so i didn't have to
Tegan : u should always give your mom flowers and chocolates
Daniel : she knows i love her so
Tegan : ok well if she knows u love her then thats all that matters
Daniel : yh she does and i wouldn't be where i am now if it weren't for her like i moved in LA with my frineds . And a few months later my mom packed everything up and moved here to he closer to me . And i will for ever be greatful
Tegan : aww that's just pure mother son relationship there
Daniel : yh so do u have a tight bound with your parents
Tegan : yh I'm really close with my dad because hes just been the most supportive person with my acting . He moved to Canada when i was filming make it pop .
Daniel : yh that's nice

I nod my head

Tegan : u really do look shatterd
Daniel : i am but I'm gonna go home call corey being like what the fuck i hate u for today but also thank him for today . Then sleep for a week
Tegan : sleeping for a week sounds like a plan
Daniel : see u next week
Tegan : will we see each other next week tho
Daniel : yes cause I'm gonna ask u on an official date where it hasn't been planned without us knowing
Tegan : how do u know I'm gonna say yes tho
Daniel ; cause I'll beg u till u say yes
Tegan : i totally just took that wrong
Daniel : yh i didn't choose my wording  right there

We both start laughing

Daniel : but what do u say a date next week
Tegan : I'd like that
Daniel : can i get your number then so we can plan it
Tegan : yes

He hands me his phone and i put my number in 

Daniel : thank u
Tegan : no problem

Our food then arrives and we eat and then we pay walking out

Daniel : where's your car
Tegan : just up there
Daniel : ok
Tegan : wheres your car
Daniel : just a little further then yours
Tegan : ok
Tegan : well i enjoyed this evening
Daniel : i did aswell much better then being with corey
Tegan : coreys not bad
Daniel : u haven't knowen him as long as me i love him but he can be annoying
Tegan : everyone's annoying u me Jenna corey every human in this world is
Daniel : i know but i feel sorry for kian jc amd bobby thoeses are coreys room mates
Tegan : I've watched coreys videos and i alredy watched knj so i knew that
Daniel : ok well feel sorry for them

I slap his cheast

Tegan : be nice
Daniel : ok

We get to my car

Tegan : well I'll see u soon
Daniel : yh 

He kisses my cheek and walks away i get in my car driving home and i go stright to the bathroom brushing my hair and teeth and i walk out going to my room and i get in my pjs and in bed

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