Tegan : hey
Mom : hi what u doing up
Tegan : woke up early
Mom ; but i heard u came home at 1
Tegan : yh still woke up and i done everything i needed to do
Mom : well good
Tegan : made food aswell
Mom : good I'm hungry
Tegan : eat
Mom : your in a good mood
Tegan : yh but I'm going to daniels so u later
Mom : ok have fun
Tegan : yh

I walk out the door getting in my car driving to daniels

Tegan : ello
Daniel : hey
Tegan : surprised your up at 12
Daniel ; i know but I'm up so we can do something
Tegan : yh
Daniel : so what do u feel like doing
Tegan : well james and Romeo said to go meet them like they really wanna meet u
Daniel : lets go meet them then
Tegan : are u sure cause we can do something else
Daniel : no lets go meet them cause you've said for a while they wanted meet me so lets do it
Tegan : ok

I kiss him and we walk out getting in daniels car

Tegan : i love your car
Daniel : i love it to my whole family does
Tegan : well u got a Tesla i think its a lot of peoples dream cars
Daniel : yh so where am i driving

I tell him where to drive and he drives there

Tegan : shit heads we are here
James : yo
Tegan : shit heads this is daniel , daniel theses are the shit heads james and Romeo
Daniel : hi
Romeo : about time i met u
Daniel : yh shes been saying for ages how we need to meet and all that
James : u have been talking for ages and now your together yh its about time we met
Romeo : yh and we need to see if your good enough
Tegan : he is good enough
Romeo : were see about that

I roll my eyes

Romeo : so do u have a job
Daniel : i don't have a job but I've posted a few YouTube videos
Romeo : ok
Tegan : are u gonna integrate him
James : pretty much
Tegan : don't
Daniel : its fine ask away
James ; are u in this relationship for long hole or do u see this as a few month thing
Daniel : long hole but u just never know what could happen tomrrow in a few day few week months u just don't know . But i plan on it being long hole
James : I'll take that answer
Romeo : how old are u
Daniel : 20
James : how many past relationships
Daniel : 1 and this is my second relationship
Romeo : why haven't u had many relationships
Daniel : people i was getting with never worked i think i always rushed into things . With us we've taken slower
Tegan : yh defantly slower then a lot other people
Daniel : yh
Romeo : do u have a criminal record
Daniel : no
Tegan : hes to good for a record
Daniel : yh what would i get arrested for
Tegan : i don't know for sleeping to much

We all start laughing

James : so u like your sleep
Daniel : yes sleeping is the best especially throw the day
Romeo : lazy
Tegan : he is but hes up
Daniel : yabba doo dah
James : what the fuck
Daniel : i don't know
Romeo : and i can see why u like him hes weird like u
Tegan : yep
James : ok i think we approve of him
Romeo : i do
Tegan : yay u got approved
Daniel : good
James : wait have u ever done drugs
Daniel : oh god
Romeo : so u have
Daniel : basically my frined made weed brownies and me and my other frineds ate them and we later found out they had weed in them
Tegan : and i had to look after them all cause this happend at Coachella
Romeo : ok
Daniel : it was a total accident i wouldn't take drugs
James : ok your fine for sure then
Daniel : good
Tegan : I'm hungry

I get up going to the kitchen and i get a bag of chips

Tegan : here
Daniel : thank u
Romeo ; james stand up and bend over touching your feet
James : excuse me
Romeo ; just do it

He hands up bending over

Romeo : cooper stand behind him
Tegan ; I've seen this
Daniel : what is it
Tegan : just wait

I get standing behind him

Romeo : now spell run
James : r u n
Daniel : omg i get it
James ; what
Romeo : spell run again
James : r u n

We all start laughing

James ; omg u are disgusting
Romeo ; i saw tik tok
Daniel : thats funny but should of done it the other way round with her bent over
Tegan : no and I'm your girlfriend would u really want anuther guy behind me
Daniel : no
Tegan : then shut up
Romeo ; we've all been behind u
Tegan :oh yh totally
James ; and jenna
Romeo : oh yh jenna for sure
Daniel ; wait are u joking or
Tegan : there joking
Daniel : ok
James : or are we
Romeo : we are ignore him
James : so are u a jelouse type like corey
Daniel : not really i have trust which i think is a main key in a relationship
Romeo ; yh
James : i do feel sorry for jenna like her and corey did seem good together
Daniel : they were but some things just aren't meant to work Corey will find someone new
Tegan : and jenna will aswell
Romeo : we should set jenna up do u know anyone
Daniel ; the only single frined of mine is corey so sorry no
Tegan : what if we try corey and jenna again
Daniel ; i can talk to corey and be like just have a bit of trust
James : yh
Romeo : daniel talk to corey see what he says and if agrees we talk to jenna
Tegan : or we do and what they done to me and daniel
Daniel : yes lets message them and be like meet at some random place
Romeo : lets do it

We agree on a place and daniel messages Corey and james messages jenna to go somewhere and they both agree .

Romeo : god get ready for jenna to be pissed
Daniel ; and corey with me
Tegan : I'm scared
James : lets take our mind off it lets watch a movie
Daniel : please not clueless
James : it won't be

They turn on a movie and we watch it

James : jenna messaged she said what the fuck why did u tell me come here so i could meet coreys
Daniel : corey put daniel what the fuck are u playing at u know i don't wanna see jenna and the second message say . Is this some sick game cause it an't funny

happiness / Daniel SeaveyWhere stories live. Discover now