Prologue: November 20th, 1989

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Sammi's POV

     The stars shimmered above the soggy curb. My boyfriend Robbie leaned on my shoulder. We were the first to leave Cindy's party, I had promised my parents I'd be home by 11, it was nearing 10:50 when we left. Jackie and Julia were seeing us off. I talked to them for a while, then whispered to Robbie "Are you sure you want to drive? You drank quite a bit back there!" I was hesitant to open the car door.

     "Naw! 'Sides, you don't have a licence yet!" Robbie slurred, opening the door, and sliding into the seat. I noticed his black duffle bag in the shotgun seat. Wherever Robbie was, his duffle bag was too. It was filled with video tapes, on them, movies he wasn't allowed to watch. He took it to every party, or place with a VHS player. Robbie was very protective of his duffle bag, if it was in the shotgun seat, nobody was allowed to sit in it. Not even his girlfriend, me. So I slid into the back seat, ignoring my seatbelt. I didn't live too far from Cindy's house, and I trusted that Robbie would get me home safely. He started the car, and we started flying down the road. I leaned my head up against the car window, staring at the beautiful city. The fast food signs shone like neon stars...

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