Chapter 1: The New Girl

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Sammi's POV
November, 1987

     I swear that history class was invented by Satan to punish people like me. School in general, I believe was invented by Satan to punish people like me. So when an office aid popped their head into my history class to pull me out, I was excited! 'Yes, an excuse to leave this dump!' This string bean thin girl led me to the office. She didn't say anything, which was normal, I guess. She did seem like the geeky, quiet type.

     We walked into the office, filled with that stank of paper and old lady perfume. Ms. Shirley, the secretary sat at her desk quietly, like she was waiting for me. "Hello Sammi. We have a new student here, would you like to show her around?" Ms. Shirley said. She asked it like it was a question, but I was only allowed to answer yes. My mom does that a lot.

   "Yes ma'am." I replied, starting to glance around, looking for the new kid. I felt something brush by me, and suddenly, there was a girl standing next to me. 'This must be the new kid.' I thought, looking at how, sheltered she looked. She had on a swampy green sweater, which clearly looked homemade, jeans that looked a bit big on her tiny waist, and white tennis shoes, that REALLY needed washing.

"Sammi, this is Julia, I trust that you'll show her around the school, and to all of her classes?"

     "Yes ma'am." 'So her name is Julia.' I thought, shoving the office door open. The two of us walked down the beige halls, I was doing most of the talking. "So, right now we're getting ready for Veteran's Day, studying wars, making cards, all that stuff." Julia looked at all the colored cards stapled to the walls, some had more effort put into them than others. I recognized a few names in passing, "Hey, some of my other friends made these!" I said, pointing out the posters.

     "Oh, cool." Julia said quietly. It was the first time I had ever heard her speak, and the voice fit the body, small and meek. We walked around the school, I told her about the classes, schedules, stuff like that. Then the lunch bell rang.

     "Hey, wanna sit with my friends at lunch?" I asked her. I wasn't told to say that, I just felt like inviting her, she seemed nice. Also, she'd get eaten alive without a guide here. She shyly nodded her head. Suddenly, the bell rang, and all Hell broke loose.

     The 5 minutes between classes are relatively calm, a little crowded, but calm. It's life threatening on two occasions, going to lunch, and when the day's over. The end of the day on a Friday is what the girls and I like to call, 'The Halls Where Angels Fear To Tread.' How we survive each day is beyond me.

     So the floodgates were opened, and I had Julia to get to lunch safely. I turned to her, her eyes were so wide I swear I could see her brain in there!

     "It's FINE! It's like this EVERYDAY!" I had to yell at her, and started pushing through the crowds to the lunch room. It was a painful 5 minutes, swimming though my peers was hard enough, but I had precious cargo here! We eventually broke into the wide ocean of the Cafeteria. Among the sea of colors, I found my crew. "My friends are over there, come on!" I said, motioning for Julia to follow me. I almost lost her in the madness of the halls!

     "Hey Sam! Snatched your stuff out of History for 'ya." Jackie Fitz, my best friend since forever! She's a shoe-in for captain of the tennis team, but her real passion is music.

     "Yeah, why'd you ditch us? Who's the new girl?" Cindy Harrol, also my best friend! Captain of the cheer squad, and the most popular Freshman at our school.

     "This is Julia! They pulled me out to give her a tour, got lost in the floods though!" I smiled, and led Julia to a seat between me and Cindy.

     "So, Julia, where'd you move here from?" Jackie asked, twirling an adjusting string on her favorite ski jacket.

     "Oh, I didn't move here, I've been homeschooled for, a while." Julia shifted in her seat, she spoke quietly, but loud enough to hear in the roaring cafeteria.

     "That's neat. Homeschooling must have been cool, never having to leave your house, why'd your 'rents put you in public school now?" Cindy said, twirling spaghetti on her tray.

"My dad thought it'd be good for me I guess, being homeschooled is pretty lonely."

"Aw, that's so sad!" Jackie said, sadly putting down her turkey sandwich.

"Yeah, but highschool's alright I guess. Hey! What's with the grandma sweater?"

"CINDY!" Jackie fiercely elbowed Cindy in the ribs at her rude comment.

"WHAT! I was just asking!"

     "That was pretty rude C." I said, looking back at Julia, her cheeks were flushed. "Sorry about her, she has trouble blurting out things." I glared at Cindy, who was rubbing the sore part of her ribs. Julia blurted out a shy laugh, she awkwardly rubbed on the sleeve of her sweater.

     "It's fine. My grandma knits sweaters for me, It's my whole wardrobe I guess." Julia said, refusing to look us in the eyes. Cindy gasped. She jumped out of her chair and jogged over to Julia.

     "This weekend, I'm taking you clothes shopping. Don't argue!" She said, with her hands on Julia's shoulders.

     "Hey, that's a good idea!" Jackie said, smiling widely. "A shopping day! To, you know, break the ice I guess!"

     "Yeah! I'd have to talk to my parents about it, I'm sure they won't mind!" I said, pumped about introducing Julia into our group. She was really nice, and she needed a good group to get her into the school, and the other two seemed to like her! Julia smiled,

"O-okay. I guess I could ask my dad." She said, looking at the floor.

     "Awesome! I'll ask as soon as I get home, when can we all go?" Cindy asked, hopping back into her chair.

     "Tennis Tryouts aren't until next week...I guess I could go today or tomorrow." Jackie said, absentmindedly twirling her ponytail. I quickly ran through my schedule, not that it was that open anyway, I'm not a sports or club kind of person.

"I'm free whenever you are!" I laughed, giving Cindy a wink.

"I'm always free after I finish my after-school chores." Julia said shyly. Cindy's face spread into a perfect smile

"Fantastic! I'll call you after school!" Cindy squealed, just as the bell rang. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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