Father and Son

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Requested by Dj_peace_maker

The sound of the kettle whistling drew your attention, and you got up from your seat at the desk to take it off the burner. You poured yourself a cup of bamboo tea, heading back over to the desk. You take a slow sip, sighing in relaxation. The desk was littered with various papers, all with a photo of a carnivore and their conditions. You tap the end of your pen idly as you jot down some more notes on a particular patient.

"[Name], I'm home." You looked up from the papers with a smile.

"Welcome home, dad." He snorts, setting down the bundles of bamboo and walking over to you for a hug.

"Busywork, huh?"

"You were taking longer than usual, so I figured I might as well." He ruffled your hair, to your mild discomfort as you smoothed it out again. He laughs, releasing you from his grip and walking over to the mini fridge, getting out a beer. "Didn't you have one this morning?" You quipped. He grunted, twisting the cap and taking a swig.

"I ran into that wolf again. After the shit he pulled, I deserve a drink." You rolled your eyes, but refocused your attention on the papers in front of you.

Gouhin watched as the human continued to scribble down words and notes on the papers, completely engrossed in the work. During times like these, when he was finally done with work for the day, his mind tended to wander. He recalled the first time he had met you, and subsequently taken you in. What a difference you were back then...

"Dad?" Your voice startled him from his thoughts. You were standing in front of him, holding the papers out to the panda. "I'm done with this batch, could you hand me the next ones?" He took the papers from your hand, standing up and putting an arm around your shoulder.

"I think that's enough work for tonight. How about we get some rest, eh?" You raised a brow.

"Is it really that late?" You asked, glancing at the clock. Both of you were no strangers to burning the late night oil, so it was a little odd for the panda to be going to bed so soon. He dragged you off towards your room, with you offering up a paltry resistance.

"You'll crash if you stay up like I do, [Name]. Come on, off to bed." You huff, but stop tugging back, following him to your room. It wasn't anything special, just a little cleaner than the numerous wards he had in his hospital. You let yourself in, slipping under the covers. Gouhin sat down on a chair beside your bed, watching as you laid on your side.

"You don't have to wait for me to fall asleep anymore dad, I'm not a little kid anymore..." You mumbled. Breaking out into a yawn. He smiled, patting your head.

"Humor your old man for a bit, will you?" You rolled your eyes, staring up at the ceiling as you tried to fall asleep. Eventually, you dozed off, quiet breaths signaling your entry to slumber. The panda stared at your face for a bit, ruffling your head one last time before getting up and shutting off the table lamp.

"Sleep well, [Name]." 

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