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The alarm jolted me out of my sleep and forced me out of my tiny cot. I lifted the laptop cover, brushing away the pretend layer of dust on the keyboard. If anything, the only dust would be from wearing the keys down.

I looked at the email that popped up. And groaned.

"I attached the clips. Edit the video. And make it snappy or I kung-pao chicken."

As I downloaded and opened the first file, I saw another notification.

"And be sure to do a little Twitter stalking before you get started ;)"

As I opened the app, leaning on my elbow against the cold wooden desk, I couldn't help but feel a little pang of guilt. Those poor Twitter users. So unsuspecting. So gullible. So innocent. (Although I could tell they were starting to catch on a little)

And here I was, saying I was just one of them, all to give daily reports to that repulsive Edward Chen. Edward Chen, the dude who I gave the application to for video editor. And then I had to open my big mouth and say I lived in the same region. And then he kidnapped me during our "interview" at McDonalds (and he ate all the chicken nuggets).

And seriously, how did Brett not even suspect anything??

For the longest time, Eddy hid me in the basement, saying that the video editor was simply from another country. One time when Brett visited by surprise, I was upstairs after Eddy released me for breakfast (and to lecture me because of a rushed video edit). Of course, Brett was surprised. Eddy quickly gathered his wits and said I was his girlfriend, sorry about not letting him know sooner, he was just busy. I tried to scoff and tell the truth, but he made the simple gesture of putting his hand on my shoulder. To Brett, it was a loving expression. To me, it was a clear warning.

So on top of editing for this evil, monstrous dude, I would even be upstairs while they were doing their videos, making Eddy pickle and catfish sandwiches (it's his favorite, don't ask). My chance for freedom right in front of me, yet unable to say a freaking word.

You might wonder why I don't just run out and blurt that Eddy had kidnapped me so Brett can be my prince in shining armor. You have a point.

When I was at the "interview" at McDonalds, I had to open my big mouth about something else. He had asked me whether I had performed any criminal activity in the past. I was going to lie and say no, but that look in his eyes. And his words. "I won't tell anyone, this is just between you and me."

Yes, they were simple and easily spoken words, but that look. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. It melted my heart. So I blurted. "Actually um... yes. I was having a hard time with finances and stuff in college so..." Then I was aware of where we were. "Here, could I text you?"
Eddy nodded. "Of course."
So I texted him. "There was this laptop with specialized editing equipment left in a backpack on the floor... I was having a hard time with grades in class because I could only afford a dated computer and software. So... I stole it. It became a large issue throughout the campus, and everyone was searched. But I managed to not get caught, because I was a pretty typical, average person and was able to blend in."

Looking back, I should not have said so many details. I should have simply mentioned I stole some tech equipment. Because not only was he able to get me in legal trouble, he was also able to create personal turmoil.

"Interesting..." Eddy texted back. "Were you at the music uni down the road?"
I nodded subconsciously. I had also pursued music in college, although I never really got anywhere. "Yeah."
Eddy snickered. "I think you had stolen Brett's laptop :'D"
"Dw it's fine, I won't tell. your secret's safe with me ;)"
Under his terms and conditions, I would later realize.

The Mysterious Editor-San >:3Where stories live. Discover now