His Perspective

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'Just look at her, she's beautiful. Perfect in every way! No one would ever guess that she can be so playful, charming, inquisitive, and drop dead amazing.' I sigh softly at my thoughts, looking out my window and staring at my gorgeous "rival."

We had fun during lunch, talked about our weekend and I even found something out about her: Ms. Yahoo has never been on a date. God it took everything to not get down on my knees and ask her out.
1. She would pass out at the sudden declaration
2. She would blush and brush me off, thinking I was joking
3. She'd.... She'd say no.

'Of course she'll say no to you, idiot. When's the last time you've actually gone over to her place and talked with her. No wait, scratch that, you don't even know where she lives!'

I was so into my own thoughts, I jumped when my door suddenly slammed open. "Yoooooo Google!"

'Oh god not now. Wait. A distraction is good for now.'

I force my gaze away from the purple haired beauty who was diligently working away on her computer with papers next to her, a small Bluetooth earpiece, and a cup of coffee on her desk. I saw her plump lips move as she spoke, pushing away the thought of her lips against mine, only to look up to a way to familiar face.

His dark straight hair was mainly covered with a red beanie. He had some dirt on his cheek and on the right he had a small bandage under his brown eyes. His jeans were scuffed up, nothing out of the ordinary and he had his skateboard held upwards with his right hand while his left hand hung limply with a camcorder in his hand.

Ladies and gents, meet YouTube.

"Nice seeing you YouTube." He didn't reply. Instead, he came around my desk and practically shoved his camcorder in my face. I shot him an annoyed look, but sighed out. This isn't that different from any other times.

"Google, you have to see this! I was downtown the other day And I saw Ms. Yahoo-"


"-having lunch with Bing!" he exclaimed, ignoring my interruption and I swear my heart stopped for a second. 'Yahoo and Bing? No... That's not possible, she wouldn't go out with Bing, he's a kid! They were just... Having a little outing... Friends do that all the time.'

I didn't want to believe that... But then the video played.

At first it was YouTube skating around, monologuing his thoughts before he came to a sudden stop and then there it was. Bing and Yahoo. During at a table. Talking. Food halfway done. However that isn't what got me upset. No, not at all.

It was the fact that the pipsqueak said something to make her pale cheeks turn a rosy pink and for her plump lips to part into a giggle! Yes a giggle. I knew it was a giggle because her eyes squinted and she put a hand over her mouth. That what she always does.

"Ogle.... Oogle... Google! Dude snap out of it!"


"Hey man, I'll go talk to tumblr and ask her about the details if you want. According to her, you guys are the perfect 'OTP yet your love is forbidden due to' something she said but I agree. You two should get together. You'll be unstoppable."

I felt my throat go dry. 'Do people actually think that?!'

A small eruption of happiness filled my stomach and before I knew it my cheeks where hurting. 'When did I start smiling?' Nevermind that, people want us together! God that makes everything better.

"Hey! Where are you going?!" I heard the young boy say. I turn to him and give him a large smile that Im pretty sure was filled with confidence and reassurance. "I'm finally growing a backbone. I'm asking her out on a date."

I left my office and almost sprinted to the lunch room, sneaking my way to the elevator on the opposite side and I made my way to Yahoo. There were a few people with me but they didn't even question me. It's not like it's the first time I've been here.

As the floors got higher, people left and by the time I reached the top floor, I was alone. I step out and see the familiar large mahogany door with marbled glass on either side of it as walls. 'Elegant and beautiful like her.'

I walk up and knock on the door. I heard a faint thump and open the door, rushing in, only to see the woman who has silently captured my heart on her knees picking up a bunch or papers that had fallen. She looked up and stared at me and the confidence I had earlier left me. "M-mr. Google! What are you doing here?"

I merely walked over and crouched down, moving a strand of hair behind her hair, forcing myself not to kiss her senselessly as I watched a small hue of pink grace her flawless skin. I let my hand skim her cheek, feeling the heat radiating off of it, and smile at her. "You know, when you look like this, it's almost impossible to keep my confidence when I'm with you."

I stand up and offer her a hand, pleased that she placed her smaller, more delicate hand on top of mine without hesitation. I lift her up effortlessly and while bracing my nerves, I grab her other hand and hold them both in between us. Her glasses were at the bridge of her nose and her eyes were wide with surprise. 'God, she's so beautiful.'

"Ms. Yahoo, would you like to have some dinner tonight? Just you and me. No one else." My heart was pounding in my chest as the words left my lips and I felt my knees tremble like they were jello.

'Oh my god what if she rejects me?'


After so long, here you all go!
Sorry for the wait, i've been so busy and things have been hectic but I hope you enjoyed this!

Google x YahooWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt