The isle

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Third person Pov

Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos, And (y/n) were doing there usually evil deeds like spraying painting walls, stealing, and terrorizing the others on the isle. When Maleficent told the group that four of them got accepted into Aurdon prep they were all disgusted until they realizes she said four of them but there were five of you. All of you wondered who would have to stay on the isle you all wanted to stay cause none of you wanted to deal with prissy princess and dimwit princes. But then when you were all in the small home that all of you were raised in Maleficent handed Mal, Evie, Jay, And Carlos each a paper with their name on it. You were furious that you didn't get accepted even though you didn't wanna go but you didn't let anyone see how it made your blood boil. Besides you'd get to spend more time terrorizing everyone on the isle even though that was a plus you were still going to feel lonely. Mal was infuriated that you couldn't come cause you were more powerful then her because of your mother and father. Maleficent pulled the four aside and gave them a mission. But you didn't care cause you weren't going so you decided to support your friends and help them pack since they were leaving in a week. You spend every minute with them until they had to leave but it wasn't usual to spend every minute with them since you all grew up together. The thing that was usual was the fact that they were leaving without you.  All of you went to where the barrier would open and you all saw a limo crossing a magical bridge to get Mal, Carlos, Jay and Evie. When the barrier opened you where shock no one tried to run out. A boy around our age walked out and greeted the group He greeted Jay, Evie, Carlos then Mal she looked at him with a smirk and he just stared smiling. Then (Y/N) clear her throat and they all look at her, the boy said "who are you?" She looked at him with a face that said what the hell did you just say " (y/n) I'm the daughter of Circe  the enchantress" She said he looked shocked then smiled " I'm prince Ben of Aurdon" he said while continuing to smile " I don't really care who you are doofus" she stated Her friends started laughing and she smiled. Ben looked at her like he saw an angel hiding their wings and said " Well (y/n), I wish I could take you with us but I would have to have a discussion with my father but trust and believe when I am king there will no longer be a barrier." She smirked and winked at Mal and whisper to her "Do your Worst Mal give Aurdon a taste of the isle."  She smiled and Mal smiled back the group hugged and said goodbye to their good friend (y/n). She watch them leave knowing  what they were going to do cause even though she didn't listen to the mission Maleficent gave them. She knew that some way some how the barrier will disappear and never come back.

(y/n) pov

We saw a boy with honey brown hair and hazel green eyes walk out of the limo. He greeted everyone but while he was greeting Mal he looked at her like she was the only one there and Mal looked at him like she looked at harry a long time ago when she thought he was cute. I mentally said Mal don't get attached your mom gave you a mission don't fuck it up with emotions. So I clear my throat hoping it would get their attention and it did. Then the boy asked me "who are you?" while smiling. I thought what the hell did you just say I am the most evil villains child I may not know who he is but I should scare you. I answer him " (y/n) I'm the daughter of Circe the enchantress " he looked at me in shock then smiled that pissed me off. Then he said " I'm prince Ben of Aurdon."  So I said "I don't really care who you are doofus" I knew why they didn't accept me into Aurdon prep now cause his daddy probably thought I'd be like my mom and cruse his little boy; I wish I'd been accepted just so I could cruse them all. He looked at  like he saw a hidden good in me and I was disgusted then he spoke "Well (y/n), I wish I could take you with us but I would have to ask my father but trust and believe me when I am king there will no longer be a barrier." I smirked cause all I heard was blah blah blah bullshit  I smirked and winked at Mal. Then whisper " Do your worst Mal give Aurdon a taste of the isle." I smiled and Mal smiled back then me and my friends hugged and we said our goodbyes. I watched as they left the isle. I just knew they barrier was going to open some way some how and once it did I'd hope it would never close. I was run back home to tell all our parents that they made it off the isle. When I bump into a broad chests causing us both to fall I sat up a little squirming be for I realize someone was under me. I looked down to see this really cute guy with blue hair and beautiful blue eyes. He looked at me smirked and said " Your cute and all but can you get off me?" I instantly stood up  and said " Um hey sorry about that I'm (y/n) and you are?" he looked at me and smirked " Hades, next time watch where your going" He looked you up and down. You looked at him and said " No Next time you should move out the way, oh and I'd don't need your crap old man" He chuckled and smirked while you winked. Then you hear a group of people yell your name from behind you "(y/n) where are you young lady you were suppose to give us and update an hour ago." I see Hades hair is now flaming and he looks angry so I turn around to see who he's staring at and I see my mom, Jafar, Evil Queen, and Maleficent but Maleficent is the only one with a face full of anger. My mom pull me to her while Maleficent march towards him and said " Who do you think you are talking to (y/n) I do want you around my friends kids I especially do want you around Mal!" she was absolutely fuming and I all I could do was wonder why. Hades then wink and me smirking and said "See you around kid." On the way back to our small home they all lectured me telling me to stay away from hades and what ever but honestly that just made you wanna see him more.  So I gave them the update on how Mal, Evie, Jay, Carlos making it out while all the adults were celebrating that step one was a success. I deicide to go see my other good friends Uma, Gil, and Harry at Ursula's fish and chips. I saw Uma and smiled then she ran up to me and hugged me and I hugged back then I said "Where's our boys at ?" she laugh "over there as usual" we walked over I hugged Gil but before I could get to Harry he had already grab me and started swinging me in a hug. I laugh as Harry put me down and planted a kiss on my cheek I laugh and pulls him away and joke with him about him being sloppy seconds and he just laugh a couple hours of jokes, food and laughter I said bye to my friends I was a little tipsy but I still had a clear mind. Then I stop in from of a cave that had a fence with a beware of dogs sign and a Big do not enter sign.

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