🌸 Sunset - Yamaguchi Tadashi

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!!TW: self doubt!!

Inspired by the artwork in the video. Also I low key listen to lofi 24/7, especially these "raining in (...)" mixes.

Tadashi Yamaguchi x gender neutral reader


You heard the ringing of your doorbell. Exited you got up to open it for your boyfriend Tadashi Yamaguchi. He just had a volleyball match earlier that day that you weren't able to watch because you had to work at your part-time job.

Tadashi always becomes calmer when you cheer for him at his games and you knew that. He always gets nervous when he gets the chance to serve, since he doesn't get to be on the field a lot in matches.

When you opened the door you noticed that he wasn't cheerful at all. "Hello, (y/n), I-" he said with a shaky undertone.

"Babe, please first come in and after you get comfy you can tell me everything that happened." You took his hand and gave him a reassuring smile.

Tadashi quietly followed you into your room. You sat down on your comfy chair and leaned back, patting your lap for your boyfriend to sit on.

He gladly took the offer and sat down on your lap. He leaned back while you put your arms around his waist.

You two were facing the window in front of you. The view was immaculate. You were lucky that your apartment was on the fifth floor and your window was facing west.

This means that you could watch the sunset every evening.

"We lost." your boyfriend slowly started speaking. "Everyone trusted me and I failed."

"Why do you think that way?" You took one of his hands and brought it to your other arm so you were still hugging him.

"If I hadn't failed my last serve, then we would not have lost." the male paused again for a second. "I am such a failure." those gloomy words came out along with a few sobs.

It broke your heart that the person you loved so much was doubting himself. 'Who hurt you so much that you think that low of yourself?' you wondered.

"Tadashi, I don't think so and you should not either." You placed your hand that wasn't holding his on his head and stroked his dark hair in a soothing manner.

"You always train so hard and I know that you are better then you are describing yourself. I watched you play a lot and I know that your team mates think the same way, trust me."

Reassuring words are always hard to find but if this cinnamon roll doubts himself, then those words are definitely needed.

After all you want him to be happy and if he could see himself the way you see him, he would never doubt himself again.

You opened your mouth a second time to speak more of those soothing words.

"You know, failure goes hand in hand with success. If you never fail, you won't get the urge to improve. You won't strive to become better. You can either let the failure drag you down or you learn from it and let it motivate you. I don't want you to get dragged down by anything. Tadashi, I love you and I want you to be happy."

The sobbing stopped.

"You are right (y/n)..."

You rubbed circles on his hand with your thumb.. "Next time will be better, I promise. How about we train tomorrow? After we slept enough and ate something of course."

"That sounds great. Thank you, you truly are an angel. How did I deserve someone as sweet and caring as you?"  Yamaguchis lips formed a soft smile. Though you couldn't see it because you two were still facing the window.

"Because you are sweet and caring, too. No, you are sweeter than me, a lot sweeter." You gave him a kiss on his neck since his head was too far away.

He is about 1.80 meters (5'10) tall and sitting on your lap, if you wanted to kiss his cheek you had to be about 2 meters tall. (If you actually are that tall... in that case you kissed him on the cheek.)

Now there was a comfortable silence. In this moment there were just the two of you, Tadashi Yamaguchi and (y/fn) (y/ln).

The sky was tinted in beautiful warm colours. Orange mixing with red and even some purple. The fluffy clouds slowly passing by as you held him in your arms.

"(y/n)?" Your boyfriend broke the silence.


"I love you, (y/n)."

"I love you too, Tadashi." You comfortably nuzzled your head into his shoulder while his head leaned against yours.

As time passed and the colours got intenser you and the cinnamon roll on your lap drifted of to sleep knowing that your necks and backs will probably hurt when you wake up.

But this was way too comfortable to move out of. What could you possibly want more? Drifting off to sleep while watching the beautiful scenery the sun is giving you and holding your warm loved one.

You two wouldn't trade that for anything in the world.

You two wouldn't trade that for anything in the world

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(The view from my window, living on the 6th floor.)

Total words: 874

Haikyuu!! x reader // requests openWhere stories live. Discover now