Chapter 2

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~Harry's POV~

"Harry,I swear I mean you no harm. At all. I did this for a reason. Just believe me, I'm helping you. " You said. I watched you as you sat on the bed and reached for me. I struggled to get away. Why is this happening to me? I've always been nice to people and things and it's just like life to bite me in the ass.

"Why?" I begged for an explanation.

You sighed.

"Because Harry. Just because for now but it'll make sense in the future. I promise." I remember you stroked my face as you spoke. Your eyes wear full of worry. Were you regretting your decision? Almost changing your mind? I don't know but I needed to get away. And fast.

" I have to use the loo." I said and you slightly frowned in response.

"Hold on."I watched your slender form as you walked out the room and closed the door. I watched the sealing while you were gone. We're you prepping yourself incase I tried to fight you? I think you did.

"Okay. Harry when I untie you promise you won't run or hit me." I frowned at you. Lay my hands on a woman? My mum raised me better than that.

"I promise." I crossed my fingers and watched as you untied me. I calmly stood and waited for you to direct me.

"Here are some clothes for you to wear." The cold registering as I slipped on the warm black jeans and thick,long sleeved sweater. Your boots are down there. I grabbed the fur and leather boots and eyed them distastefully.

"You need them so you don't get sick or get frostbite." You said as if you actually cared what happened to me. I guess you always kinda did huh? Care about me,I mean.

"Okay follow me, the bathrooms this way." I walked behind you. I watched as you stopped at a door and swung it open. I watched as you stepped inside to show me around and I took my chance.

My opportunity.

I ran.

"Harry!" I kept going. I grabbed the freezing front door handle and threw it open. I almost choked on my own breath.

It was dark.

But there was ice and snow everywhere. And I mean everywhere. It's all you saw. I understood at that moment the purpose of the boots. My clothing wasn't very practical but I honestly couldn't care less at that moment. I was getting away. I ran out and almost slipped on the cold ground. I started speed walking. I heard you calling threats to me then. I honestly wasn't worried about you attacking me. You were to tiny.

"Harry, last chance to come back. Don't make me come get you." You yelled. I probably should've listened.

"Really? You and what army?" I called back as I tried to quicken my pace. Then I felt it. The slight stinging in my arse. What the hell? I remember I turned to face you just to see you lowering the gun. I pulled the tiny dart out of my numb skin and fell back on my bum. I lay back on the snow and ice and stared up at the dark sky and felt as my thoughts slipped away,body control too. I watched until I let the unwelcomed darkness consume me again.

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