Chapter 3

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When I awoke my limbs were sore and I was once again tied to the bed. I looked at my pale arms and the bruises were obvious. Did this happen when I fell? It was then that I noticed your slender figure against the door. The moonlight pooling on me and casting your shadow. Had you been there the whole time? Watching me as I was unconscious? I think you were.

"Are you feeling okay?" You asked as if you were scared to break the silence. I remember I didn't answer. I ignored you.

"I hope your not gonna try that shit again. Your a pain in the ass to carry." I know you watched my face, observed even, to see if you'd get a reaction. Would things have been different if I'd given you one? I don't know.

The cold air settled in my body as I watched as you stepped closer. And I noticed it.

Have you ever been bone wrenchingly tired? So tired it's as if the world lags a bit. Obviously you had experienced the feeling. Your tiredness almost made me feel bad.

"Not talking now, eh?"

I did say Almost.

"Well Harry."

"Fuck you." I spat. I watched as your beautiful face fell.

"Please don't hate me Haz-" You began but I cut you off right there.

"Don't call me that. You have no right to call me that."

"Harry listen I'm honestly trying to help you. As a directioner do you really think I would cause or bring you harm? I want to tell you why I'm trying to help you but I can't. Your not of the mindet to understand why. Just know I'm saving you." I remember I couldn't control the disgusted look on my face as you titled yourself one of my beloved girls(and guys). A directioner.

Absolutely not.

I watched your fingers as you reached out for my face. I saw them then you know. The scars on your arms as your jacket rode up. 'The battlewounds' as I'd like to call them. I think that's the reason I began to like you. Those scars indicated a story. And as stupid as I may sound, I wanted to know your story. Had me and my brothers been a significant part of it? If so I hope in a good way.

"Please forgive me. I just wanna help."

I watched the small puffs of cold air leave your mouth curling and swirling until disappearing again. There was no point in cursing at you because It was just rude and unneeded because it wasn't helping me and I sure as hell didn't want to make you angry while I was so vulnerable. I leaned away from your touch on my face and jerked my head in the opposite direction of you. I believe you knew what I meant. You sighed and backed away.

"Why can't you tell me? Why just me and not the other boys too?" I knew there was absolutely no reason for me to ask but I just wanted any answer. Any answer that would ease my mind. Basically not what you gave me.

"In due time,Harry. In due time."

Stockholm Syndrome (Harry Styles)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu