You With My Hand

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"Hmmm," Fionna hummed at the breakfast table as she kicked her legs on the chair. 

Cake put some bacon in front of her then took a seat. 

"Hmmmmmmmm," she drew it out and made it louder so Cake could hear. 


"What is it, Fionna?" Cake asked. 

"Just thinking about how we're going to get Gumball and Marshall together," Fionna said as she forced her two hands together 

"What happened to just making them happy?" Cake asked as she took a piece of bacon from Fionna. 

"Maybe they'll be happy together?" Fionna asked. 

"Playing matchmaker is a dangerous game," Cake said, "but a fun one."

"What's your plan?" Cake asked. 


"For the last time, Ice Queen," Gumball exclaimed, "I. Will. Not. Marry. You!"

Gumball was in Ice Queen's prison. Gumball stood near the bars. 

"That's what they all say," Ice Queen stated, "but they eventually come around."

"Who has ever come around to you?" Gumball asked. 

"Why Gunter of course-" she began to say before said penguin tugged at her dress. "Well, it's a work in progress."

"You are truly a monster." Gumball grabbed the bars.


"Marshall, Marshall, Marshall, Marshall, Marshall-" Cake and Fionna said in unison as they knocked loudly on Marshall's door. 

"What?" Marshall Lee asked with a hiss as he pulled open the door. 

"It's Gumball!" Fionna yelled. 

"What?!" Marshall asked as he lifted his feet from the floor to float. "What happened?!"

"The- the Ice Queen!" Fionna exclaimed as he waved her arms around. 

Marshall Lee leaned back with a sigh of relief. "I thought it was something serious," Marshall Lee chuckled.

"How is Ice Queen not serious?" Fionna asked. 

"She just wants company," Marshall Lee said with the sway of his hand, "and it's not like he'll hurt him. The worst she'll do is force him into a marriage."

"Marshall!" Fionna exclaimed as she dramatically fell on her knees. "Please save him!"

Marshall sighed. "Fine-"


"-but only because I like seeing you on your knees."

Marshall floated past Fionna and towards the exit of the cave. "You coming or what?"

"Nope," Fionna said. "This is up to you, kinda your fault anyway."

"What? How?" Marshall Lee asked as he stopped dead in his tracks. 

Cake stretched to push him the rest of the way out. "You'll see!"


Marshall Lee flew into Ice Queen's window on his back. "Simone, did you kidnap another prince?"

Ice Queen sat across from Gumball, who was frozen in a chair. They seemed to have been having a candle light dinner. 

"No," Ice Queen said quickly. "He's here by his own will."

"Oh thank glob you're here," Gumball said. "Her cooking is horrendous."

"What is this the third time you've been kidnapped this week?" Marshall Lee asked. 

Gumball averted his eyes from him. "Fourth."

Marshall Lee landed on the ground. "Dude, you need to get better guards."

"Just get me out of here, Marshall."

"I'm not here for you," Marshall Lee replied. "I'm here to jam with Simone. Stop being so full of yourself."

Marshall Lee took his guitar off his back. 

Ice Queen clapped her hands. "Oh! Maybe then he'll come around."

"Yeah, sure, whatever" said Marshall Lee with a shrug. "I don't really care."

"Marshall, I do not have time for these childish games," Gumball said. "I have a kingdom to run."

"And I got jams to jam to," Marshall Lee said. "You're welcomed to join… I guess."

Gumball sighed as he slouched his shoulders. "Do not make me sit through this."

Marshall Lee pulled him up to stand instead. "There, now you can stand through the song."

"How mature," Gumball said. 

Marshall Lee strummed on his guitar.

(Okay, so this next part I wrote in like 5 minutes. Please don't make fun of me.)

To the tune of Good Little Girl

"🎶You with my hand🎶" Marshall Lee started. 

"🎶Holding it tightly
How can I stand
Where I am
How can you stand on this land
Without a hand in your hand🎶"

"🎶Ahh ahh~"🎶 Ice Queen sang in response. 

She soon took over the song;
"🎶Man with my hand
There's no stopping me
Man with a hand in my hand
How can I stand
Oh man🎶"

"🎶Without your hand in my hand🎶" they sang together. "🎶Ahh, ahh~🎶

"Your turn Gunter!" Ice Queen held up her penguin. 

"Wenk wenk wenk wenk."

Marshall Lee covered his mouth as he laughed. She wasn't like his Simone, but she had her moments when Marshall was almost as happy with her as she was with Simone. 

Marshall floated around the room while he played his battle axe for the penguin's solo. 

Marshall Lee floated around Gumball as he continued his playing, mostly for Ice Queen, who seemed to be having a whole lot of fun making Gunter dance. 

"Marshall, if this is payback-"

"Nah," Marshall Lee cut him off. "I'll save you in a bit, you can wait an hour."

Gumball sighed as he fell back onto the ice chair. 

Marshall Lee started clapping when Ice Queen finished and took her bows. He nudged Gumball to do the same. 

Gumball looked at him confused, for his hands were frozen in ice handcuffs and they were too far away from each other. 

"Highfive me repeatedly then," Marshal said. 

"Like patty cake but with both hands the entire time?" 

Marshall Lee shrugged one shoulder and raised one eyebrow. "Uh… sure?"

Gumball smiled. "Patty cake, patty cake, baker man."

Marshall Lee squinted at Gumball. "Okay, this is weird. You're going home."

Marshall Lee picked him up bridal style. How Gumball was mostly carried when being saved from the Ice Queen. 

Marshall Lee flew him back to the Candy Kingdom and into his room from the window. 

He set gently set Gumball on his bed and turned around to the window.

Marshall Lee was about to make his way out before Gumball said;

"Wait! I have to ask you something."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2020 ⏰

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