Was This The Right Decision?

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Stacie had no idea how they got to this point.

Well, she obviously knew how but she didn't know how it turned into this.

They were supposed to be sleeping together. Strictly. Nothing more but recently it seems as if things have changed between the two of them.

Stacie would go to the lodge to just have sex with Aubrey. While that did happen, other things happened as well. Such as movie nights, dinners together, late-night talks, and impromptu cuddle session.

It wasn't that she minded if anything it was the exact opposite. But that's what the problem was. She wanted more, needed more.

More of Aubrey.

Honestly the more she thinks about it the more she realizes she wants all of Aubrey and everything that comes with it.

But did Aubrey want the same thing?

Maybe it would be easier if we started from the beginning.

It was right after the ICCA's, they had just won. Everyone was running off the high just performing and beating the Trebles. They had gone back to the hotel and were all in Chloe and Aubrey's room. Well everyone but Stacie and Aubrey herself.

Everyone was too drunk off the booze Fat Amy brought to even realizes those two were gone. It wasn't like they left them to have sex after they had gotten back to the hotel Aubrey seemed to have just disappeared.

Just before Chloe was about to go and find her Stacie offered, besides it wasn't like Chloe was doing that well either. Having just watched the girl she had spent all year pining over kiss someone else doesn't put you in one of the best moods. So when Stacie offered Chloe didn't put up a fight and was the first out of all the Bellas to start getting drunk.

Stacie walked out of the hotel and at the end of the block found a little square with a couple of benches. Sitting on one of those benches was Aubrey.

"Hey what are you doing out here by yourself? Shouldn't you be inside with the rest of the Bellas celebrating?" asked Stacie sitting down next to her.

Aubrey looked up at the brunette, "The same could be said about you."

"I came looking for you." Stacie said, "What's going on?"

Aubrey sighed loudly leaning back on the bench. "It's nothing, just something stupid."

"It's not stupid if you're this upset over it. I mean you spent all year trying to get us here and now that we've won, you aren't even celebrating."

"I know it's just since my freshman year I've asked my dad to come to one of my performances and he always said he would make at least one of them. Well, tonight was my final performance as a Bella and he never showed. He's the only family I have left and-" But Aubrey was cut off.

"The only one left?" Stacie asked.

"My mom passed of cancer back when I was in 9th grade. Since then it's just been my dad and I. Well he's barely been there. Which I get being a General in the military isn't an easy job but..." she trailed off, pausing to think. "He's always put me last since then, it was like once she passed he stopped becoming my father and was strictly business. Never had time for me, or anyone really."

"I didn't know, I'm sorry Aubrey," Stacie said while putting her arm around Aubrey. "He's your father you're allowed to be upset. Have you talked to him about this?"

"Every time I try he brings it back on me. I'm just tired of holding him up so high and trying to make him proud when he doesn't seem to care." Aubrey then wipes a tear from her eye. "I'm sorry for unloading all of this on you-"

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