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Aubrey never had any intention of sleeping with Stacie. But that didn't mean she didn't want to though.

Aubrey never believed in love at first sight but when she saw the tall brunette walking across the stage at auditions she felt something in the pit of her stomach. She was infatuated with the girl and wanted to get to know her more.

Slowly over the year the two had developed a friendship and had weekly study dates and movie nights. Slowly over time those feelings Aubrey had for Stacie began to grow from infatuation to a crush.

Eventually, it turned from a crush to something almost love but not quite there yet.

But Aubrey had every intention of keeping things platonic between the two of them. Sure she would have loved to have been Stacie girl but she told her that she didn't do relationships and wasn't looking to settle down while she was in college.

So Aubrey never made a move.

That was until the night of the ICCA's, after complaining about her dad to the younger girl they went inside and headed up to Stacie's room. Once inside something snapped in Aubrey and she just kissed the girl. A whole year of pining over her was just too much and she didn't want to graduate without kissing the girl.

She was shocked with herself, surprised she even did that but she wasn't complaining.

They slept together for the first time that night and Aubrey told herself she would control herself next time and that it wouldn't happen again.

Yet a week later she found herself in bed with Stacie again.

She didn't know why she kept letting it happen, the blonde knew all this was going to do was hurt her in the end.

Yet the last week was filled with rushed hookups in either Stacie's dorm or her apartment. Even though they were hooking up she never let herself or Stacie spend the night. She set a boundary and told herself she wasn't going to cross it.

She should have known better because there last night together she asked the brunette to spend the night with her. They slept in the same bed that night, cuddled together under the sheets. As Aubrey started to drift off she realized that what she felt for the younger girl was love.

But she couldn't tell Stacie. She was leaving to go home the following day and would be in her sophomore year the following fall while Aubrey was working at the Lodge.

It wouldn't work out she told herself. They wouldn't work out.

The next morning she gets up and walks Stacie to the Bellas house so she can get her things and leave.

"Have a safe drive home, let me know when you get there," She said to Stacie. But right before Stacie got into her car the blonde looked her in the eyes and pulled her close.

She could hear Stacie's breath hitch and in a moment of weakness, being pressed up against the girl she said "I'll miss you," and then she leaned in and pulls the taller girl in for a kiss.

It wasn't like their usual kisses, this was softer and filled with some other than lust. It wasn't a kiss leading up to sex it was a small 'I'll miss you' kiss.

Aubrey figured this would be the last time she would get to kiss her so she tried to convey her feelings into it.

When she pulled apart she could still feel her lips on hers.

Stacie got into her car and drove away while Aubrey just stood there watching the car drive off into the distance. As she did she felt a single tear fall down her face.

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