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Addison's Pov
        I sit on my bed confused. The girls phone in my hand. Who was she and why was she so scared when I introduced myself. Suddenly she got a text. Well the phone.
Kate🐎🥰:hey dummy, wyd? I really don't feel like being home right now.
         I don't respond as it's not my place to. But the get another text. This one is different.
Char Char🥺🥳: yo if you have this phone meet me at 6pm at the Dunkin' Donuts closest to the school. My sister wants her phone back.
Me: okay
Dixie's Pov
       "You really can't be mean can you?" I ask her.
       "Absolutely not! That is your job." She patting my head.
      "Wow Charli so nice. Your not as innocent as everyone thinks. I could let the whole world know that one." I say joking with the end part.
       "Shut the fuck up right now Dixie Jane D'amelio!" She says knowing exactly what I'm talking about.
       "It's fine it's not like I was actually gonna tell dad about Avani. Two gay daughters reflects badly on me sense it was me first. Just go to Avani's apartment next time. So I don't have to hear muffled moans coming from your room next door." I conclude my sentence looking at Charli who's as red as a tomato.
       "How did you know abo-" she says as I cut her off.
       "I got came back from Kate's early cause she had to go do her whole horse thing. But just go to Vani's  apartment. That's what I do. Then she comes here until I'm back. Why did you think she was her so much at first?" I ask.
        "I- I did not know about that. But looks like you fucking a bunch of girls was good from one thing other than heartbreak. It's the reason me an Av are together." She says.
Addison's Pov
         It's 5:50 and I'm currently sitting at the closest Dunkin to school. Who the fuck is Char Char? I mean it's probably not they're real name but still.
       "Hey Char Char!" I say to the tiny little D'amelio running up to me.
       "Hi Addi!" She says giving me a giant hug.
      "Leave Addi alone." I hear Dixie laugh from behind me.
    Charli listens and run off to the backyard to find her mom.
       "What's up Dix?" I ask considering she said she wanted to talk.
       "Let's go upstairs to my room. So we can talk about this somewhere else." She says motioning next in the house.
End of flashback.
      That's the same memory as the other day. I don't really wanna go through that again.
        "Addison?" I hear the lady from the counter call for my order.
        How did I forget that I ordered a coffee. I stand up and walk over and pick up my coffee before going to back to my seat.
Just then I brunette with short dark brown hair walks in. She kinda looked like the girl from early so I would assume that's her sister. The girl walk up to the counter and doesn't even say anything. The cashier just nods and tells the other worker to get the order. I guess she comes here a lot.
Wait didn't Avani say something about her girlfriend coming her for coffee all the time?
I think back to a couple hours ago.
A few hours before
   "So where's your girl Vani?" Noen asked.
"She went go get coffee. Even though it's 11:30am." Avani answered
      "Sounds like her." He replied back.
Back to the present
"Excuse me but are you the girl with my sisters phone?" I look up noticing the girl now standing right next to me.
"Oh yeah. Here you go. But do you mind if we talk for a little bit I'm confused about your sister." I ask her.
Charli's Pov
Oh yeah that's definitely Addison. She looks really pretty with blonde hair. I just can't believe I'm seeing her again. Oh my god. She doesn't even know it's me.
"Oh yeah. Here you go. But do you mind if we talk for a little bit I'm confused about your sister." I hear her ask.
"Yeah sure." I smile and take a seat across from her.
Addison's Pov
"So I'm just kinda confused in general." I say.
"Explain the situation." The sister replies.
"So I was on my way outside and I bumped into your sister, and we had to stay on the floor for a bit till the hallway cleared out. Once it cleared out she stood up and was about to say something rude then she looked at me and apologized. She started flirting with me which I have to admit she's pretty good at. We continued to talk and she asked me my name. So I told her my name was Addison Easterling. Her face turned pale. Then I asked her what her name was and she told my she had to go and ran out of the building." I say concluding my explanation.
"Addison do me and my sister look familiar to you? Like at all?" She asks.
"Kinda, but I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." I reply.
Charli's Pov
"Addi, it's me." I say.
"Huh?" She says confused.
"My name is Charli D'amelio, I'm 16, I'm moved to Connecticut when I was 10 almost 11. That girl ran into in the hall way was-" she cuts me off.
"Dixie..." She says voice breaking a bit jaw dropped and stunned.
"Yeah, it was Dixie." I say lowly.
Before I know it she stands up from her seat walks to my side and gives me that biggest hug ever. I return the hug.
We hugged for a couple minutes before she lets go.
"That's why her eyes looked so familiar. That's why I felt so drawn to her. That's why I recognized your nickname. I-she took it off." She says sounding more hurt by the second.
"Addison, listen to me. She's hurt. She has been for a long time. The reason she was flirting with you was..." I stop my own sentence and debating if I should say the next part or not.
"Finish your sentence Char." She says wiping the tears threatening to spill from her eyes.
"Addi she's different. She changed okay. She only trusts two people. Me and Kate. After we left, everything got bad, or worse. Dixie stopped caring about everything and she and my dad barely ever talk, she sleeps with all types of girls just to forget her problems and then forgets the girls along with everything else. Fuck and Forget. That's what she does. Anything to help her forget, and she's not a bad person. She's still our Dixie somewhere in there. She's just been fucked over. So when you told her your name, everything and all the memories she tried so hard to get over came rushing back." I say to her.
She looks more hurt than before.
"When did she take it off? And why?" She asks looking at the floor.
"The second week of freshman year. That's when everything with the girls started. She took it off because you never tried to call or communicate with her. She just gave up." I say.
"Well if she has sleep with all these girls. Where does she go? Cause it can't be your house. Marc would kill her." She asks looking at me.
She just looks mad now. Her hands are clenched into a fist.
"Well she goes to Avani's apartment. She has a room there. That's where she goes when she needs to catch a break or do stuff." I say.
"So Marc has to gay kids. Isn't that ironic. Serves him right." She chuckles.
"How do you know I'm-"
"Noen ask Avani where her girl was earlier. She replied getting coffee at 11:30. They said it sounded like you. So I assumed you got coffee a lot. So when you walked in the door and didn't even have to say your order. I figured you came here a lot. So I put two and two together and bam Chavani." She answers.
"I- Well okay you're not wrong but what the fuck. You're a literally spy." She laughs at my comment.
Addison's Pov
"And you know I did try to reach out. I called every single day of freshman year. Every day. But I guess my number got blocked. I'm guessing by your dad." I say.
"But I'm not gonna give up on Dixie. Even if it means I have to go to your house and face your dad. She's worth it." I say.
"I never knew why we moved. I was 10 so no one ever told me, but it was you wasn't it? You were the reason, but why?" She asks.
"Well it was two weeks before school started. Me and Dixie were so excited about freshman year. You remember I came over that day,and Dixie told you to leave me alone and you when to the back yard with your mom," I pause my sentence waiting for her answer. She nods, "Well me and Dix went upstairs after that and it got quite after a while. We were just staring at eachother. After a couple minutes, she said my name in a questioning manor. So replied with a simple Yes Dix. She asked if it was bad that she wanted to kiss me. I had stayed quiet. She eventually started to apologize but she didn't get to finish because I kissed her. Then your dad walked in. He told me it was time to leave. I knew he wasn't happy that he just caught his daughter kissing a girl much less her best friend. So I hugged her told her i loved her and left. So when you guys came over the next day and told me you were moving I knew it was because of me and her. You were out as fast a you could be. I wasn't allowed to go over. So I wore this necklace every day. It's been my good luck charm. That's why. That's what happened." I finished.
Charli's Pov
"You tried to call? You wear the necklace every day. You won't give up on her. Addi you're in love with my sister." I say.
"I have been for the past 4 years of my life. I tried everything. I dated people but nothing ever felt right. So when I saw her in the halls I get why I was so drawn to her. And if she really hates me I'll leave her alone. Because I just want her to be happy."
"Trust me she wants you around. She just doesn't see it. She blinded herself from the good things in life besides a couple things. She hasn't been happy without you. All though she said she doesn't want anything to do with you; I saw the sparkle in her eyes when she was looking at the necklace. So don't give up Addison." I say hugging her.
"Thank you Charles." She says only low enough for me to hear.
"Anytime Addison, here this is my number. Text me later. I'll help you get to her." I say putting my number in her phone.
"Thank you for everything. You should be getting back home with Dixie's phone before she get suspicious." Addi says.
"Dickles won't be suspicious. I'll just tell her I stopped at Avani's." I reply.
We part ways and leave Dunkin in our separate cars.
At home
"I'm back!" I yell while entering the door.
"Where have you been?" I hear a voice that belongs to no one in my family.
I look to see Avani sitting on my couch. Oh no.
"Please tell me she's not ou-"
"Chill she went hang out with Kate. I'm just came over to hang out but I got here and you weren't here." She reassures me.
I sigh in relief. I don't need my sister hooking up with anyone after I just talked to Addison. I look around to make sure my parents aren't in the house.
"I was talking to the new girl Addison Easterling." I tell her.
"Oh yeah Addi she supercool. Me and Noodle showed her around today. Why were you talking with her? Hold up how do you know her?" She asks.
"It's not like that baby." I say grabbing her hand as bringing her to my room.
I lock the door after shutting it. I do not want to pull a Dix and Addi.
"So this is gonna sound weird but...." I explain the whole situation.
"That is pretty insane. Now I hate your Dad more then so already do." She says.
"I think everyone hates him but Griffin and my mom. Even though him and her are opposites." I say.
"Cough,cough, Gremlin, cough, cough." She say pulling me onto the bed.
"Agreed." I say.
We're just laying there my head on her chest just enjoying the silence when suddenly I see my door handle try to move.
Oh no! What if it's my dad? How am I gonna explain why I'm in a lock room with Avani?
"Hey open the goddamn door Charli, I want my phone back." I hear Dixie say from the other side.
"Coming Dick Sea." I say unlocking the door. She walks in the room and notices Vani on the bed.
"Bro what did I tell you earlier." She says.
"No, no we weren't.-" I stutter.
"We were cuddling, unlike you your sister isn't a horny teenager like you." She says laughing while sitting up on the bed.
"Shut up Clown girl. So where's my phone?" She say directing the conversation to me now.
"Oh yeah here you go." I say handing her the phone.
"Thanks Char, now I'm beginning serious. Do. Not. Fuck. I'm next door and the parents are home." She says walking out of my room.

Word count: 2322

So here's your 3rd chapter. I just realized how needy we all are for dixison content. We're a mess guys.
I'm glad you guys are liking this book. Don't worry Kate will play I ti this story more. We Stan Kate. But I hope you guys like this chapter.

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