oop he was a cAugHt tHoT

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I don't even know
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I love myself. Even though I look like a buRnT chickEn nUggeT, I still love myself
3rd POV

They were in the dormitories and Bakugou was just coming back from talking with Jirou about his crush. Jirou gave him a few inspiring words, got a text, and then smiled big. "Mina needs you." She said with a mischievious smirk. "Uhm okay. Are you sure Kiri wouldn't.... like...ignore me-" "boy go get your mans and stop worrying." She ushered him out of her dorm.

"Guess my life is gonna be me fucking obsessing over someone who probably doesn't fucking like me like that. Ugh love is so fucking stupid." He grumbled, walking over to Mina's dorm. Before he could knock he heard a certain voice start speaking. The boy he loves.

"Mina.... I.... *Sigh* I just don't know...how to tell him..."

Was heard from the other side of the door. Bakugou, instead of knocking, decided to eavesdrop. Hoping to get a name of the redheads crush.

The following conversation happens between Mina and Kirishima
Mina is italicized
Kirishima is bold

"Kiri you'll be fine."

"I don't really think so Mina. He's just so....manly. I doubt he'll ever like someone as weak as me"

Bakugou was baffled. The manliest guy he knew saw himself is weak. He just wanted to barge into the room and smack him in the face with his face. Softly.

" Don't act like that Kiri. You're amazing and I'm sure he thinks so. You ARE the only person he can be calm around."

"I mean.... I guess so..... But how can I be sure Mina?"

"bakubitch should be here soon so just ask him yourself."

Bakugo ignored the name and became flustered. 'is it me?' He thought. He quickly made his way back down the hallway, so if Kiri were to leave Mina's he wouldn't see him eavesdropping.

He made his way over to Mina's dorm again, however this time he knocked. A small "oh that's him!" Was heard before the door opened to reveal a pink ball of shit. She stepped aside to let Bakugou in, but as she did Kirishima stood up and walked over to the door. "U-uhm just remembered I have to uhhh... Feed my... Uh....myyyyyyyy cactus. Yea. My cactus. Gotta go" he says quickly before attempting to leave.

He gets pulled back in by an excited Mina. "We all know you don't have a cactus so get your ass back in here. You can't hide from him forever Kiri." He knew she was right. Not only about the cactus part, but he had been attempting to avoid Bakugou for about a week now.

"But Minaaaaa" Kiri dragged. Bakugou thought it was absolutely adorable. But because Mina was there, he couldn't be as soft as he liked to be around kirishima. He had to put on the tough boy facade.

"Oi idiots," they stopped bickering and turned to Bakugou. Mind had the biggest smile plastered on her face and Kirishimas face was glowing a bright red. "Was I asked here to watch y'all argue or was there an actual reason?" He asked the two, hoping it was for the reason he wanted it to be. "Oh yeah!" Mina dragged her flustered friend over to his crush.

"Okay, so Jirou tells me you keep going over to her dorm for advice about your crush," she pointed at Bakugou, making him red faced "S-SHE WASNT SUPPOSED TO TELL Y-YOU THAT" he stuttered earning a giggle from Kirishima. And Lord, he thought he was gonna have a heart attack by how cute the sound was. If it were anyone else giggling at him he would've yelled at them, but since it was Kirishima he just started stuttering even more.

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