Chapter One: Trap the Truth, Kill the lie

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For those of you who don’t know who I am, my name is Crystal Myers. I am 25 years old. I am a spy under the direction of Agent Xavier. However, no one has seen him in months. We had done some deep research to find out who is incharge in this situation. Apparently it is me. And so far everything that has happened since he went missing has been to find him.

    “Agent Crystal? We lost our lead.” Kevin told me. Kevin had quickly overtaken Michael for third in command. Of course now because I was in charge Kevin was second in command.

    “What do you mean we lost our lead? Did it dead end or go cold?” I asked. I had grown so bored of being stuck inside headquarters waiting for everyone else to come to me with an update.

    “It leads us nowhere. We can’t find anymore clues to continue this lead.” Kevin instantly took a step back as if he knew that this news wasn’t what I wanted to hear.

    “Where exactly did this lead die out?” I asked.

    “You wouldn’t be asking that if you were still second in command. You can’t go out there and search for a clue that isn’t going to be there. Agent Crystal, you are in charge now. That means you need to be cautious and we will protect you if necessary.” Kevin rambled.

    “I have no intention of leaving and searching for clues. I just wanted to know where we are in the search for Agent Xavier. Kevin, please understand that not every question I ask is a step towards me leaving. I know better than anyone that I am too important.” I reassured him. I also knew that this whole situation has put everyone on edge and me being cold and bossing people around wasn’t doing any good.

    Kevin gave the information I wanted and then left the control room. So far all we know is that Agent Xavier went missing four months ago and the last place he was seen was in headquarters. Which didn’t make any sense so I had everyone sweep the whole building and there was no sign of where he went. So I had Michael and Kevin go to the police and talk to them about Agent X. Agent Xavier’s field name.

    They had a lead as to where Agent X had gone, but it was vague and barely led us anywhere. However, we did find that he was going undercover without telling anyone. He went undercover on special missions all the time. But he would always tell me and Michael and then he would put me in charge. I would tell the other Agents a lie about where Agent Xavier went and why I was put in charge. But now things are different. And we needed to find Xavier before something bad happened to him. If something hadn’t already happened.

    Needing to get up and move I headed to the combat room. Being the person I am, I just start punching and kicking air. I could have asked someone to join me under normal circumstances, but these days nothing was normal. Kevin came into the room and stood off to the side.

    “Yes?” I asked after kicking the air one last time.

    “I came to find you to see if you wanted to join us.” Kevin said.

    “Join you for what?” I asked.

    “We just got a call from the police. They are swearing that they just saw Agent X on a security camera. I thought Michael, me, and you could go and investigate this.” he explained.

    “Yes please. I need to get out of here.” I said. Kevin chuckled.

    “Then let’s get you out of here. Agent Gem.” Agent Gem is my field name, but I rarely use it because I am always using a different alias. Kevin led me out of the combat room and into the control room. Michael was there waiting for us. With the way he was standing he almost looked annoyed.

    “Mad we took forever?” I asked him jokingly.

    “Not at all. However, I was debating leaving without you.” Michael smiled.

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