Chapter Two: A Step in the Wrong Direction

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Kevin, Michael, and I had been back from our trip to the drugstore for over two hours and we were no closer to figuring out what Agent Xavier’s lucky number is. However, we did have the first two parts solved and had narrowed it down to three possible buildings that matched the riddle. They all had 50 floors and lots of windows.

    I sat in my room trying to rack my brain for all the conversations that I had with Agent Xavier that had numbers involved. All I could recall were the numbers he despised. Numbers like crime sprees, missing persons, and things like that. Basically anything to do with everything bad.

“Boss? Uh Agent Gem? Gem?” I shook myself out of my thoughts and turned towards the door.

“Yes?” I didn’t apologize for spacing out. I did it all the time nowadays. Things would just pull me away and I would zone out.

The voice turned out to be another high ranking Agent, Carla. “I just got a call from the police station. Jack Salvin wants to speak with you.”

“I will call him back right away. Thanks Carla.” I pulled out my cell phone, but thought better of it and went into the control room. In there we have a secured phone line to any government officials or police stations. I picked up the phone and called Jack Salvin.

“Agent Gem?” Jack’s voice asked.

“This is Agent Gem.” I replied.

“I know your agency has been focusing all of its resources to finding Agent X…” he trailed off.

“But you discovered something that is in need of our help.” I guessed.

“Yes. Could you and another one of your Agents come to the station? I know this is a secured line, but I need to show you something.” Jack said.

“We’ll be there in 10 minutes.” I said. The walk to the police station is actually only 5 minutes, but the location of headquarters has always been kept a secret from all but it’s Agents. I hung up and went to find Kevin.

“Tell me again why we are going back to the police station? Does Collin have another lead?” Kevin asked.

“No Jack Salvin called and said that he has an assignment he wants us to check out.” I had made sure to leave at the correct time so that we would arrive 10 minutes later. When we arrived, we walked in to find that no one was there. “Hello? Jack Salvin?” I called. No answer.

“I have a bad feeling about this.” Kevin said. Moving slowly around the room.

“Me too. I don’t like this one bit. Let’s search around and see if we can’t find any of the officers. They could be in trouble. Keep your comms on you. Call for backup if you need it.” I commanded. I hated taking charge so much. But I had to because I was in charge and the other Agents waited to be told what to do by me. It was a feeling I was never going to get used to. I hoped I would never have to get used to it.

We split up and I headed towards the offices and interrogation rooms. I soon came upon a locked interrogation room. All of the others had been unlocked or open. Something told me that someone was behind this door. Carefully I picked the lock. The lock clicked and I opened the door. I found the light switch and flicked it on. Three officers were tied to the chairs.

All of them were unconscious, but unharmed. I pressed the green bead on my bracelet. “Kevin?”

“Yes, Agent Gem?”

“I found three officers. Unconscious, but alright. How is your search going?”

“Nothing so far. ULCK!”

“Kevin? Kevin?!” I ran out of the room and quickly retraced my steps back to the main room. Once I got there I made a quick turn down the hall that Kevin had followed. My footsteps slowed when I heard voices.

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