Chapter Seven: Betrayal

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“Kevin? I made a horrible mistake. I think we just let in a criminal.” I said after pressing the green bead on my bracelet.

“I will let Agent Xavier know. Are you okay?”

“I have a split lip and I was lying on the ground after being punched by someone I thought was a good person. How do you think I am?”

“How did they get away?”

“A car, but all I could see was the color. Black.”

“All bad guys have black cars.”

“I am coming back to headquarters.” My arm was hurting because I just happened to land on my left side. The same side that was still healing after being shot. All I wanted was to have at least a few hours of rest. Let someone else take over.

“Wait. Agent Xavier wants you to go somewhere. He is texting you the location.” Great. The whole world must be against me today. I thought.

I pulled out my phone and growled. Agent Xavier wanted to send me to a casino. And not just any casino, THE casino. Only those who were extremely rich and knew about it where there. We of course knew of its location because we’ve had to spend lots of missions spying on people there. It had a very unique method of letting people inside, you had to wear a specific color. If you didn’t know what color to wear, then you didn’t deserve to be there.

This casino just happened to be on the other side of Paris. There was no way I was going to walk the whole way. Apparently the world didn’t totally hate me because Kevin’s voice came over my comm again to let me know that Agent Xavier was sending a car. A few minutes later a car pulled up and I got in. The driver handed me a garment bag and a shoe box before driving away from the airport.

Xavier was barely back and he was already on top of everything. Because Xavier was back, I was no longer the head Agent. I wasn’t upset or disappointed, instead I was glad to just be an Agent again. The stress of everyone looking to you for information and what to do was starting to get to me. The driver dropped me off at a restaurant across the street so I could change and drove off.

Apparently today’s color was purple. My dress was floor length with a slit up to my knee. The sleeves were tank top sleeves with a flower on the right one. My heels were a deep purple velvet, but these shoes could have the heel removed. So if a chase was necessary I could take off the heel and follow.

I walked up to the bouncer feeling weird without my spy belt and stopped. The bouncer looked me up and down and then let me through. I walked in and was instantly surrounded by loud music and people talking and laughing. My comm bracelet blended in perfectly with my outfit because the band was purple. So far neither Kevin or Agent Xavier had told me what I was doing here.

Resorting back to my training I began to walk around scanning the faces for anyone familiar. If I recognized anyone then maybe I could figure out why Agent Xavier would send me here without any further information. Everyone who was anyone seemed to be at the casino that night. Well those who knew about it anyways. Suddenly the music cut out and everyone turned to face the stage that was set off to the side of the room.

“Tonight we have a real treat for all of you. Silverbear was able to steal the Raptor Virus from that wretched Agent X. And now it could become yours!” a familiar voice spoke. My head snapped towards the stage. The crowd burst into applause making it hard to move closer to the stage. 

Soon I could see who was speaking. It was the woman who had punched me at the airport. Suddenly very aware of everyone around me I tried to shrink back. Anyone of these people could recognize me from the police station or from other assignments. And if anyone did, then my cover would be blown and I would definitely be in trouble.

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