This Is Us

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The McCords


"Mommy I'm cold," Erica said as she snuggled close to me. Then a set of lights flashed against us.

"Anybody need a ride?" A man said holding up a pair of keys.

Trent walked over and hugged the man.

"Hello Gothie,"

The Nelsons


"I'm back!" Duncan said as he walked in and hung the keys against the door frame.


I rushed over to hug her. As her hands reached the back of my back, I looked behind her to see her kids. She looked at me and introduced them.

"This is my baby, Ellie. She is three months old! And this is Tristen, he is my oldest. He is in fourth grade and loves the guitar,"

"That got burnt by Erica,"

"Tristen stop,"

"And this is Erica, she has type one diabetes and her fourth birthday will be coming up this month,"

"Oh! How exciting!"

"Will we have a party?"

Gwen looked at her child like she was saying something harmful. I bent down and looked her.

"Yes we will have a party,"

"Court you don't have to do that. Who are your kids?"

"Oh! This is Damien, his favorite person in the family is Alpha, Our dog. And this is Anna, she loves playing around with her toy raccoon. Emily is my two month old baby, And this is Lily, our master diva that spots a new person from total drama everyday."

"Who are you today?"

"I'm DJ! Daddy even got me a rabbit to master him!"

"Still a big softy, Arn't you?"

"Meh," He shrugged and continued talking to Trent.

"So! Is it okay if Tristen has his own room to himself?" I asked Gwen.

"Yes! That would be perfect for me!" Tristen said making his way into the conversation.

"Okay.. Ellie and Erica can share a room in Emily's room, so I can move Emily's crate down to my room! Does that sound good?"

"Sounds perfect!"

"Like momma always said, cooperating is better," Lily said holding up the rabbit.

As Tristen made his way upstairs, Erica urged Gwen to the bathroom for her shots.

"The bathrooms on the left!"

"Trent! Go and unpack our stuff!"

"Okay babe!"

So we moved together. This is my new life. This is us.

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