Her Own Living Hell

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If the life she's living is what they call heaven

Then she'd rather go and live in hell

Because her life is pure misery

Hurting her till she bleeds, losing her last breath

Her faith is a fragile thread

That is slowly guiding her to her death

The death that has been a mystery

To all of her hopes during the centuries

And as her years passed, the mystery became her nightmares

Where her demons came out and controlled her

She tried to fight them away, but that only led her

To become weaker and weaker in front of them

They tricked her and she fell into their trap

The trap which is filled with knives they use against her skin

So they can hear her screams and sobs

Pleading for them to stop

They stop for a while but only to trick her again

Because seeing her like this, gives them the pleasure they need


Hey guys!! Sorry for the late update on this book, I was going through some stuff plus exams :/

Anyways, How are my writing so far??  (I know they are nothing special but some of them mean something  to me)



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