For My Dearest Friend

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(A/N) Hey fellow readers! Before you start reading this and get confused with its idea... I wrote this to my best friend who lost someone very special to her. She was hurt about it to the point where she was losing it, she wanted to simply join her, thankfully, that didn't happen, then I wrote her this. It's a bit longer than the others but it means a lot to me, pretty obvious I suppose.

Thank you!

And you may continue now :)


I might be the depressed one

And I might be the loneliest

But when you're around

Everything turns out great

I feel there is someone who actually cares

And I'm glad that you are there

I know you're life is tough

But no one said that it would be easy

The scars on your skin are white lines

That prove you're worthy and strong

You won't see it the way I do

But believe me, this is all true

Honey, I know that she meant a lot to you

I know you want to watch over her

But think about it this way,

Would she like you to leave this way?

She will start feeling guilty if you join her in heaven

'cause she did a crime of taking a life, a soul

I know you love her and miss her

But doing this isn’t the answer

You can always pray for her

Daydream, or write about her

Besides, she needs someone in this cruel world to remember her

Not only remembering her one day every year

But someone amazing and special like you

Because you remember her everyday with love and care

I know that it's shaky

But darling you'll be okay

If you can't see it now

I hope it'll be clear soon

I love you and I don’t want to lose you

Cause without you dear, I'm fucking lost

If you leave tonight, I won't forgive myself

For letting someone so special slip away from me so easily

If you drew on your skin tonight, I won't leave you

But I'm sure the streams on my cheeks won't stop falling

Not because I'm sensitive… no, but because someone so beautiful

Was pushed to do something so horrible

I know how it feels, and it's not really nice

I know it relieves, gets the pain out of sight

But it's an addiction that will consume you

Till the last drop of blood falls from your vein

And hearing you saying these awful and untrue things about yourself

Makes me break a little and feel down

You think they are true, but you don't see yourself the way I do

Even the idea of you thinking in a negative way

Can erase my smile for a whole day

Now I'm going to try to say this short, loud and clear

Till the words you don’t believe, get stuck in your head

You're awesome and beautiful in everyway

You deserve to be happy despite the agony of the day

You'll win this fight, and we'll brave this storm together

I swear these words are true, I believe in you!


Thank You Again!!



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