Chapter Three

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Dabi pushed you down on his bed and began kissing you again. You didn't want this you didn't want him... but you didn't stop him. His tongue slipped into your mouth dominating your own. It was hot and saliva dropped down your chin. Dabi then tore off his shirt and got on top of you. Your kissing got faster and Dabi started rubbing his hard member against your thin panties. He then trailed his kisses down to your neck sucking and biting, leaving dark red marks. His cold scarred hands trailed from your waist to your boobs, squeezing hard. Light moans escaped your mouth as you began to rub your pussy against his hard member needing the feeling of him. After what you've been through, being beat and raped. You're instinct now wasn't to fight anymore... it only got you hurt. So you let Dabi take over you. You did as he wanted, if it meant you survived. He rubbed his hard member more and more his hard dick nearly drilling into you. Dabi then aggressively tore off the straps of your lingerie, "take that shit off." Dabi demanded. You looked away and slowly took off your clothes, leaving yourself naked in front of him. You covered you boobs and blushed a little. Dabi then licked his lips and grabbed your arms tearing them away from your boobs, "Don't do that." Dabi smirked. Suddenly hand cuffing your wrists to the bed. "Dabi..." you said breathing heavily. "Shhhh, now I'm gonna ask you one last damn time. You wanna do this the fun way? Or the hard way?" He grinned in pleasure seeing the disgust on your face when you looked at him. "... whatever you want." You quietly said glaring away from him. Dabi smirked manically and began kissing you again. His face pushed hard into yours and his tongue deep in your mouth. Then you heard the un-buckling of Dabi's belt, he then released his mouth from yours and pulled down his black jeans and boxers to reveal his hard member. You looked down it was all you could look at (if u know what I mean) "What? You're scared? Think you can handle me?" Dabi hissed in your ear. You kept your mouth shut and just breathed. Just then Dabi smiled and slammed himself into you. Forcing you to react, which is exactly what he wanted. "Ahhhhhh! Ahhhhhh!" You moaned. Which caused Dabi to thrust even harder, he wanted it to hurt. "Fuck you like that? You little bitch!" He groaned holding your hips. He thrusted hard angrily it seemed. "Ahhhhhh Dabi.... Dabi!" You let out. You couldn't stop yourself. You wanted him to stop, but you couldn't do anything. You were stuck. As Dabi let his dick into you harder and harder the more you struggled in your cuffs and squirmed for him. "Dabi... oh Dabi! Dabi!" You moaned again. "That's it good girl~" Dabi grunted breathing heavily. Pushing his hard dick deep and deeper into you only making both of you crave each other. Dabi started breathing faster and faster and thrusted faster. His dick then hit hard in one spot which caused you to feel something... close, "Ahhhhhh! Ahhhhhh! Dabi...." "I'm close I'm close!" You let out letting him take full control now. "You gonna cum huh? You fucking slut!" Dabi moaned breathing heavier. You both began rising close to orgasm faster and faster until finally Dabi buried his dick deep into you letting himself spew into you. "Ah fuck!" Dabi let out. "Ahhhhh Dabi! Ahhhhhhh..." you shrieked covering Dabi in your own juices. Dabi then slowed down and pulled himself out of you laying next to you. You breathed heavily gasping for air, but still cuffed trying to free yourself. Dabi turned and noticed causing him to laugh. "You're not getting out of those for a while princess. You're my bitch now~" Dabi smirked holding part of your face. You had to do what he said in order to get out of these cuffs and now that Micheal is dead... you only had to get rid of Dabi and you were free. So you did what you could to please him. "Yes Dabi~" you said looking into his deep eyes kissing him again. Already in pain you knew it was gonna happen all night long.
The next morning you woke up you looked to your right, Dabi wasn't there... and down your naked body you saw burn marks, hickies, and bite marks. Although luckily you were in some lingerie. You shook your chains, they were locked tight but to your left on a night stand there was a lamp. On the lamp you saw a post it on it, Im out doing business don't bother trying anything stupid I'll be back soon. You rolled your eyes, "seriously what the hell is wrong with this creep." You said to yourself. You looked around the door was shut you didn't know if it was locked. You tried to love your lower body but the soreness got the best of you. "God dammit...." you muttered. Shaking your cuffs, you knew nothing would happen but it was all your angered and stressed self could do. Then you noticed the back board of the bed was wooden and were your handcuffs were was a think wooden bar. I can break this, it won't get the cuffs off but I'll be free and then I can get the fuck out of here. You then started shaking against the wooden bar pushing your wrists and cuffs against it with force. After a few tries you finally broke the bar and slipped your cuffs from the bed. You were technically still handcuffed but you were free from the bed. "Finally finally!" You said to your self kind of panting. You then looked at the note Dabi left you, out of anger you tore up the note to pieces you then headed to the door. It was unlocked, "fucking idiot" you lightly chuckled opening the door. It was a small house but the door was right there you rushed to it but... fuck there were a shit tone of locks. Especially with handcuffs it was hard enough to try and un-lock these. "Fuck fuck fuck..." you muttered shaking these locks. This isn't going to work, what am I doing? You looked around to try and find any other way out and you then saw the back glass door. You lightly chuckled forming a plan. You headed to the door and began pounding on it trying to break it. Just as you began to bang on the glass you heard a car pull up. Knowing Dabi would be pissed if he saw you you ran to the kitchen and grabbed a big kitchen knife. "This time this time for sure!" You told your self, your back pressed against the cold kitchen wall, holding the knife close to your chest glaring at the door. 
Then Dabi came in the house, bags in his hand. And waiting for nothing you leapt from behind the counter and stabbed Dabi in the shoulder. "Ah Fuck! Y/n! Bitch!" He shouted dropping his bags. You then quickly shoved him and ran out of the house. You didn't know how it would've worked but because he was off guard and holding stuff he wouldn't have any time to fight back. Just then you saw Dabi running behind you, he was fast. You ran faster and tried to get away but after all the beating from last night and how weak you were... he caught you. And then suddenly things went black.

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