Chapter Four

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You woke up feeling weak. You tried to move your arms but you were chained to the couch. They were longer chains, but you couldn't escape. Dabi wouldn't let you. Your vision was blurry but as it cleared you noticed the fire was going, it was a pretty bright blue. And Dabi sat infront of it. He heard the chains rattle and in reaction he turned to face you. He sighed, "Well well well not as tuff as you thought you were huh?" He groaned. "Just put me out of my misery you bastard." You hissed back. Dabi chuckled, "Please this makes it all more fun, I like a bitchy attitude." "Oh my God just shut up." You snapped. Dabi then got up from his spot and grabbed some bandages and some medical supplies and put them down by you and sat close to you. "Now for being a little bitch and stabbing me you're gonna be the one to fix what you did. And no complaining got it?" He ordered tossing you bandages. He gave you a look that told you to do what he said. You huffed, "What happens if I don't?" You sarcastically scoffed. Dabi then sighed again, "Because I'm going to kill you that's what, so shut up and do it." I didn't come this far just to die... you thought. "Fine." You said grabbing the medical supplies.
You began to fix his stab wound against the hot fire that broke the silence. You made sure to be gentle, you didn't wanna piss him off anymore and you were again chained. "So you always been a prostitute?" Dabi smirked. You didn't want to talk to him, but there wasn't anything better to do and you knew from now on it was better to just do what he says, "Just a few months.." you responded. Dabi then made a hum sound, "Heh your boss was a fuckin dick." Hearing that reminded you about Poplavich so many goddamn feelings you had locked away. But maybe you could find out a little more about this fucking psycho, "You know he sold me to guys who he wanted me to murder, why would he want you dead?" Dabi chuckled, "I used him to get illegal shit that's all, the guy was to sensitive. Trust me sweetheart he deserved to die." You sighed. "What? You liked that son of a bitch?" Dabi asked confused. "No I hated him." You said just to stop talking about him. "Sounded like it's was more than that when-" "Just shut up." You said cutting Dabi off. "Fine then." He said. Back to silence, nothing but the fire crackling. "What happened to you?" You asked interrupting the fire. You couldn't see his face but you could tell he had some type of reaction. "What'd ya mean?" He hissed. "Your scars." You softly responded. Dabi made some frustrated sound, "Their burns that's all." You didn't say anything getting the hint that he didn't wanna talk about it. You then looked upwards into his deep mystical eyes again. Your face was almost touching his when you looked up from his wound. You stared for a second, you and him. You felt vulnerable and maybe a little scared, because you felt as if Dabi could read you. You then looked down to fix the bandaging. What is this? I don't know what to do but... why can't I stop looking or wanting to look at him.
"Ok I'm done." You said pulling your hands away from his body. Dabi pressed his hand lightly on your work, "You didn't do a bad job." He smirked. He stood up and looked down at you, "Now get up." He ordered. Just do what he says. You stood up. Dabi got closer to you and put his thumb under your lip, playing with it. "Now your still my bitch whether you like it or not." Dabi hissed unchaining you and pulling you by your neck, taking you to his room. Both of you knowing it was gonna be a long night.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2020 ⏰

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