~Prologue~ A Simple Girl in a Simple City

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Beep... Beep... I could hear the sound of something beeping that awoke me from my slumber. I turned, trying to shield my ears from such a disturbance with my pillow by wrapping it around my head to cover my ears. "Alright alright I'm up!" I groggily answered to my alarm clock before sitting up, hair a mess and tired smushed features from being asleep for so long. I threw my legs over the bed side before making my way over to my alarm clock which was precisely placed across the room from where my bed lay. This was the result of multiple sleep-ins after turning off my clock. I looked at myself in the mirror before beginning to reflect on my life and how I got to where I am now. Just a year and a half ago I was living in my hometown of New York in America, with my family of 5 consisting of my mother, father, older brother, and younger sister as well as myself. My parents both had pretty good jobs, with my father being a police officer and my mother working as the agent of an advertisement company. With them so busy with work I've always had to look after my younger sister with my older brother off to work abroad. 

The marriage didn't seem to last however, with my mother having to take on a lot of work to pay for bills and my father rarely being home I took on most of the responsibility in taking care of house matters as well as my sister. The divorce came no sooner than after I finished middle school and it tore apart the family. But just a little while after my mother got a job offer to work in one of her company's abroad locations which was huge as she'd be in charge of her own team and get paid a lot more. The downside was who my little sister would stay with, as the location was in France, it would make visits quite difficult. They argued over it for the longest time but somehow agreed for her to stay with my father so she could grow up with her friends. I didn't want to leave my mother alone as it would break her heart, and I didn't want to go to high school anywhere around there. Bad history and stuff I don't wanna remember, but after we moved we still kept in touch by Skyping my sister every so often. It was hard adjusting to such a new environment, I'm often home alone as my mother has to travel to different meetings and what not. I understand it and don't mind it, but it can be a bit lonely sometimes. School was a bit tough, I tried to stay quiet and not so noticed as to not get picked on or really popular as I don't do well being the center of attention. I got to know most of the school without many of them knowing me through observing my fellow classmates. But half way through the year a kid approached me.

~One Year Ago~

A small petite boy stumbled forward as his a small group of kids pushed him towards my spot on the bench, his hair was an unnatural bright red and he seemed pretty anxious. I remembered him from my science class as well as homeroom, he's usually picked on by Chloe but he seemed like an alright kid. "Uh.. h-hey.. y-you're (Y/n) right? (Y/n) (L/n)? I'm Nathaniel, from Ms.Bustier's class" he tucked a strand of his hair behind his ear and holding his sketchbook close to his chest constantly looking to me before adverting his gaze to the floor awkwardly. "Um.. Yes I am, is there something you need..?" I cautiously responded looking between him and my notebook that I had been doodling in. "W-well you see.. the t-thing is," he hesitated before sighing and letting it all out "My friends and I always see you alone- but we know you sketch very well! Not that we were watching you or anything but... we drew sticks and I was chosen to invite you to our art club!" he let out in a long nervous ramble. I blinked before letting out a small chuckle, "D-did I say something wrong?" he panicked a little bit "N-no!" I assured him stopping my small moment of laughter. "There's no need to be so nervous but... I'm not looking to make really any friends.. to avoid enemies you know?" I awkwardly answered, but this seemed to sadden him as he looked back at his group. I felt a little bad at how disappointed he seemed so I let out a defeated sigh and spoke up "But.. I'll think about stopping by after class.." I half-mumbled which sent his face a-light as the bell rang. "W-we'll see you then!" he smiled before waving his goodbye and running off to his next class. I shook my head mumbling to myself "What have I gotten myself into..?" I picked up my belongings and walked to my class.

~Present Day~

After getting dressed I grabbed my satchel (your school bag) and something to snack on the way to school as I rushed out the door with my music booming through my headphones. Thinking back on that day I gave a small smile as my mind went back to that day. I met some great friends there, first was obviously Nathaniel. He was often picked on by Chloe and although he harbored hatred toward the girl he still held a ton of kindness within his heart but seemed to be quite introverted. Next was his best friend Marc, he was a very shy one and pretty awkward but was a brilliant writer and I respected his skills. Alix was the next one I met, she was super outgoing and confident as well as a total tomboy. Although she teased the other members sometimes, she still cared for them and was pretty chill along with being pretty funny at times. After that I met Rose who's probably the purest girl I've ever met, being so sweet and positive yet naive. Lastly I met probably one of the most well known and liked students in the school, Marinette. She was a determined yet super kind girl who always tries to help and push others to be and do better. I didn't get as closed to her as the others as she wasn't around as often but she seemed like a good person. It took a long time to open up and start regularly attending the club, along with getting friendly with the others. But over time they helped me relax a little and be more confident in my sketching ability. Marinette even helped push me to do cover art for Rose's new song as well as collab with Nathaniel and Marc on their comic. From time to time we'd get picked on by Chloe but overall school was alright for the last half of my first year. 

As I was running, lost in my thoughts, I ran right into someone colliding my head right into their chest as I rounded the corner. I fell right on my behind, groaning as I opened my eyes to focus on who ever I rammed into. It was a boy I had seen somewhere before but couldn't remember in the heat of the moment. His hair was blonde and his green eyes shown brightly with worry as he looked down at me holding a hand out to help. "I'm so sorry! A-are you alright?" he asked looking over me for any injuries. I studied him for a moment before looking to his hand, I was about to take it when a thought crossed my mind and I remembered who it was. Adrien Agreste, although being known for being a pretty alright kid he was friends with the school's bratty mean girl, Chloe. 'I probably shouldn't trust him..' I thought to myself before getting up on my own. "Y-yeah, I'm alright.. are you?" I asked looking away from him. He withdrew his hand, awkwardly placing it behind his neck "Y-yep.." He also looked away. I could hear the bell off in the distance, "I-I should go!" I ran off to school not looking back as I could feel the embarrassment of the moment finally take hold of me. 'Stupid!' I mentally scolded myself for causing such an awkward encounter. I didn't have time to visit my locker so I just rushed into homeroom as to not be late, sitting down in my seat and letting out a sigh. The only thing I could think of being, 'What a great way to start of the school year huh..?'.


(A/N)-PHEW all done with the first chapter! With each chapter I'll most likely put a song I think goes with it so be sure to look out for those! I know it wasn't much but I wan't to ease my way into this one and take my time with it, I have so many ideas for this story and I can't wait to show them all to you guys! As always please give me feedback so I may better my writing and produce better chapters for you all <3! Anyway I hope you all have a fantabulous day! Byee!


Word Count: 1435

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