~Chapter 1~ The Beginning

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I watched as students walked into the classroom, filling the seats one by one. At one point I waved hello to my fellow friends, whilst doing so I met eyes with that kid from before Adrien. I awkwardly looked away as he gave a slightly sadden expression before sitting down. I let out a sigh as class began with Ms.Bustier walking into the room, "Good morning class! I hope you all had a wonderful break and are ready to get back to learning!" she smiled at her students before beginning the lesson. As class went along I spent most of it in my own world, sketching before my mind wandered off to Paris's two superheros. Ladybug was always someone I'd looked up to as she was so confident and sure of everything she did. Chat Noir was too but it pained to see him get rejected every time he tried to make a move on Ladybug, but I understood why. I started to draw the two heroines, sort of day dreaming about a certain male superhero. But before I knew it the bell rang signalling that class was over.

~Time Skip to the end of the day~

I sighed to myself as sadly art club had been canceled that day, walking down the stairs to the sidewalk. I ended up overhearing a conversation between a shorter bigger girl from my homeroom who I remember was Mylene, along with another classmate I didn't recognize, "Yea and my dad's playing the lead role!" she exclaimed as they walked on. I assumed they were talking about the play at the Eiffel tower tonight, maybe I'll check it out if I have time since Nathaniel and Marc said they were going to watch. I made my way home before closing the door behind me, "I'm home!" I announced but only got silence in return. I usually do this to see if my mother is home but unfortunately she wasn't. I sighed as I looked to see we had a message on our answering machine, I pressed play as I threw my stuff aside and grabbed an apple from the fridge. "Hey hunny! This is mom! Sorry I had to go out again- but I need you to pick up my order at the bakery a few blocks from here. I've left you some money on the counter, stay safe! Love you!" the answering machine beeped, signalling the message was done. I let out a sigh as I picked up the cash from the counter, putting my shoes back on along with a sweater before making my way to the bakery getting there in only a couple of minutes. As I entered the shop a friendly small Asian woman walked up to the counter, "Hello there! How may I help you?" she asked kindly. Her smile was almost contagious but I nervously cleared my throat and spoke "U-uh.. I'm picking up an order from (L/n)..?" I looked between her and the floor. "Ah! Sure thing, I'll be with you in just a moment" I nodded as I heard the door open behind me. I turned to see it was a classmate of mine, Alya. Although I've never been close with her, I hear about her all the time from Marinette as well as from following the LadyBlog. I waved to her before hearing the woman from earlier call upstairs "Marinette! Alya's here!" she announced as she came running down the stairs. "Oh hey Alya! Hi (Y/n), what are you two doing here?" She  asked almost stumbling down the stairs. I was kinda surprised to see Marinette there, but it was cool to know her parents worked here. "Oh hello, I'm just here to pick up something for my mom" I answered before Alya spoke up, "Hey girl! I have this awesome new video to show you!" she exclaimed running over to her bestfriend. Marinette's mother handed me a bag full of breads and different pastries, I paid before Marinette looked over at me "Wanna hang out for a little bit with us (Y/n)?" She asked. I thought about it before shaking my head, "Nah- I gotta head home to work on some stuff at home, but thanks anyways!" I smiled before waving goodbye and walking outside and towards my house.

 As I was walking down the street, halfway home, I heard screaming and saw people running away from the street that led towards the tower.I was confused, standing there and looking towards where they were all coming from. And that's when I saw it, a flash of red fly back towards a near by alleyway, concerned I raced to see what had fallen. When I entered the alley I could see a female figure laying on her back groaning in pain, I ran over to check on her kneeling down to look over her injury. "M-Miss are you ok?" I asked in a scared shaky tone, as she opened her eyes to look at me "P-please you have to get away!" that's when I realized who it was. This scared, fragile girl in front of me was none other than Ladybug. I was brought back to reality by the beeping coming from her earrings as she teared up "P-please! Before I transf-" she coughed into her hand, blood leaking from it as I looked to see she'd been shot in the stomach with an invisible object of some kind. "Ladybug! I can't leave you.. You'll bleed out!" I protested, afraid for Paris' savior as her life rested in my hands. I took off my sweater, using it to put pressure on her wound to stop the bleeding which caused a painful groan to come out of her. "I know you're right..." she looked me in the eyes, "It won't be long before I transform back.. but if you leave me here I'm as good as dead.." she took a deep breath with tears streaming down her cheeks. "I guess I have no choise.." she mumbled shakily. "I need you to help me..." She placed a hand on my shoulder as she closed her eyes de-transforming. I was shocked to see my fellow classmate now in my arms where my former heroine laid. "Marinette..?" I asked shakily with tears  forming in my eyes, a small red bug-like creature flew up in between us, "Marinette are you alright? What happened?" she asked shakily, obviously scared for her best friend. "I'm sorry Tikki.. but I don't think I can be Ladybug anymore.." tears streamed down her cheeks as she gave the small creature a sad smile. "(Y/n).. With this injury and you now knowing my identity I can no longer remain Ladybug..." she looked down at her wound before back to me, "I'm sorry to put this weight on your shoulders... But I need you to take over for me, you're the only person I could entrust with this.." she began taking her earrings off. "W-what?! N-no, I can't! I'm no where near good enough- I can't please-" She placed them into my bloodied hands. "I believe in you (Y/n)..." she closed her eyes, "Marinette?! Marinette..!"I called out desperately to my friend hoping to find some life in her cold body. I looked down at the earrings she'd given me, before placing them on that creature from before showing up in my face. "Don't worry she's still alive.. just fainted.." She sniffled before looking to me with a sad smile, "My name's Tikki and I'm the Kawamii of the Ladybug earrings.." she informed me. "I-I can't be Ladybug! I'm no where near as great as she was!" I protested but she shook her head "Marinette passed these earrings down to you, if you don't Marinette's life could be in danger.." I looked down at her before closing my eyes and letting out a sigh. I collected my thoughts, taking a deep inhale before looking to Tikki, "What can I do to save her?" Tikki seemed to be a bit happier at the new determination. "All you have to do is say 'Tikki, spots on!' and you'll transform!" I took a deep breath before stepping back from Marinette, "Tikki! Spots on!" I yelled as I began to transform

After the lights cleared I was finally able to see, I looked down at myself. What was originally blood soaked shorts and a t-shirt now was a skin-tight red suit with black dots on it, the costume at first glance seemed to look just like Ladybug but with a few changes. Instead of just a normal full body there was also a half short skirt around my waist that seemed to be able to be taken off. Along with a circular object placed where the two skirt ends meet which I assumed was the yoyo. I looked around, "U-uh.. Tikki are you still there..?" I looked around calling out for her but she was no where to be found. I then looked down to Marinette, "First I gotta get her help!" I told myself, cautiously picking her up. I stood straight up quick, surprised at my sudden new strength that I never had before. I took a deep breath before letting it out "You're gonna be ok Marinette.." I told the both of us before running out into the open to the nearest hospital. 

"You're gonna be ok.."

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(A/N)- Hey everyone! Finally got the first chapter out, and I'm sorry if it's not that good but I tried to make it a good as possible! I hope you all liked it- and got a bit emotional I hope. But either way thanks for reading and I hope you have a fantabulous day!


Word Count: 1554

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2020 ⏰

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