How All Begin!

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It was a couple, who married and have 8 kids Freya, Fin, Elijah, Nicolaus, Rebekah, Kol Henrik and Asher, Freya die in very young age, it was very happy family, everyone talk to them, everyone love them, until one day, when Nicolaus, Henrik and Asher, go to see Werewolf changes, one of the werewolf attack on Henrik, very bad then, Nicolaus and Asher run back to the home with Henrik half dead, Esther come out and see him, the rest of kids come quickly, Finn it was 23, Elijah it was 22, Nicolaus it was 21, Rebekah it was 20, Kol it was 17 and Henrik and Asher the twins 15, Esther, with another wicth try so hard to save his kid, but she filled, so before Henrik die, she take Asher and take give him, all power Henrik have, and make him very powerful warlock in the whole word, then because she was scared she lose one more kid, she decide with her husband Mikal make something more powerful from werewolf, but not enough, so the make them vampire, the first in the earth, but because the do a spell, the have punishment's as well, the can't walk in the sun (but the make them sun ring), like werewolf the changes only in moon night, because of what the did to Henrik, The kids don't have a choice, the don't give them a choice, if the want to be a vampire or not. The changes them in the same day, as Henrik die and the parents, have forgotten about the food, the hunger who is become more and more strong, about the hunt, about blood, the start to attack, the can't control that, Every human, which gets inside the house, afraid to get out. Then another punishment's come, a purples flower who hurt them, whatever the touch it, make them week if the touch for long they can't destroy that, then a tree it was very dangerous, the can kill them, but the destroy right away, so nothing can hurt the kids. Then gift comes, the can control others, the can run fast, they heal themself when they have injured, the can make more like them, with their blood ------------------------------------------------------------------------

The kids give the promise to help and fight by each other side, help each other always and forever, but in the end, the most don't keep the promise, but the trying to hurt each other, by dragging each other, it was a weapons' who put them in sleep, until you take out the knife and wake up them, it was who every lost control


If you want to know more about that family and the story of each of them read to find out!






Asher Mikaelson ( The younger Mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now