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Today I was going to the studio when I saw Tomas talking to a girl and then hugged her.I felt little jelaous.I was standing there watching them when Leon came up to me:
Leon:Vilu are you okay?
Yes..,I'm fine(:- I said to him fake smiling
*Tomas was coming so I holded Leon's hand and we got in the studio.I think Tomas saw me.
Tomas came to me and asked me something that I didn't wanted to regret but I had to:
Tomas:Violetta,will you mind going out with me?
*I wanted to scream YESSSS!!!!,but Leon was next to me looking jelaous.
Um..I'm sorry I can't :(-I said
Tomas:Oh okay then,bye Violetta-he said being disappointed and sad while Leon was smiling.
Leon:Don't worry about him,you desirve someone better.
Yeah..maybe your right...-I said being sad
Leon:Wanna go practice?
Oooh yess I forgot,Let's go!
*On our way a person I hate so much camed to us(Ludmila).
Ludmila:Lion what's going on sweety..why aren't you calling me anymore?
Leon:Ludmila..I'm sorry but I already like another girl..we are breaking up.
*I was surprised and very happy*
Ludmila:You are breaking up with me???!!Is it for her??!!!-*pointing at me*
Leon:It's not your problem,now leave us alone we have to practice.
Ludmila:Fine.Bye..Ludmila is out!!
Leon:Now Vilu let's go practice
Okay :)-I said

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